Brother Evang, I mean this with much Christian charity. Many on here have given you sound advice. Now, where I believe you went astray was knew her beliefs, you knew the churches she attended and how they will not associate with others outside that fellowship, you knew her church's belief, you knew the distance that was betwixt your belief and hers , and went ahead and married her. You did not walk into this marriage blindfolded and then she showed you her true beliefs. You were willing to accept them, and all that she was, when you said 'I do" before the Almighty. Now, my wife and I have been married 11.5 years and it's not always smooth sledding as we have our many faults. But we love each other and will not let anything come betwixt us. Now, she is still not saved, but I do think she's wondering about it, but that does not make me love her less, or love her more if God saves her.
Go to Him, seek His face, and repent. I think Isaiah 55:7 is apt here.