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I'm thinking that the difference is like in the case of Joseph, the brothers pulled that stunt of selling him on their own, without any determinism by God. But God had decreed that Joseph was going to get to Egypt so with some combination of determinism and ordaining the plot was carried out and later it was said that his brothers meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. God did not take over their brains and make them throw him into the pit. But in an overall sense, for the sake of the accomplishment of the end result, the whole thing was ordained. (Now one thing I'm not sure about: I'm not sure God ordains everything like this. He may have His plans, which will be accomplished and for all we know he may not do this for everything. If in 1750 the Mohawks fought the Hurons in a small battle and the Hurons won did God ordain the result? I really don't know. But we do know of Biblical examples where God did ordain what was going to be accomplished.)
Some Calvinists do absolutely teach that God personally determines everything. And I mean everything. If you fall off your motorcycle and break your leg they would say God broke your leg. I would say you took the turn too fast. I think discussions like this are fascinating but I don't think they are important for Christian life. For one thing 90 percent of the human population would have no idea or conception of what we are talking about. The other thing is that you have to come to Christ, believe the gospel and repent of your sins or you will not be saved. But you are not required to have a certain view of HOW this occurred or the precise order. The other thing to be careful of is whenever we start throwing around our ideas about whether God is responsible for this or that or why did he allow this or that we are moving right into the area where Jobs friends got into trouble with their philosophizing.
You have used Joseph but I think that is actually a bad example for you. Did God plan for that to happen, of course, actually I think many of the things that happened in Josephs' life were planned by God. It was part of Gods' overall plan to bring about the redemption of those that trust in His son. But not everything is planned by God, if it were then you have just made Him the primary cause of all sin even if it was you, Dave, that sinned because under the calvinist view He has to determine all things. If we go with the no random molecule of Sproul then that really does not leave the calvinist any logical out.
As for Mohawks & Hurons they chose to fight of their own free will or God caused them to fight and kill each other. Did God cause Hitler to kill 6 million Jews or did he do it on his own. The determinism of calvinism has God causing many terrible things to happen. What we must keep in mind is that the bible does not teach the determinism of calvinism. Actually that did not come along until Augustine introduced it. He brought his Gnostic philosophy into the church. Augustine actually held to free will until he had his fight with Pelagius at which point he ran to the far end of the logic pool rather than stand his ground regarding free will.