New Member
First of all, I want to apologize for the sharp response earlier. There is a certain poster, not you, that rings every chime that I have. Maybe you noticed I deleted a number of my responses. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. I was a member of a PCA (Presbyterian Church of America), a moderately conservative denomination for 25 years. We said the Apostles Creed every Sunday. First of all, most said it out of memory, not giving the words a second thought. Certain phrases are not valid IMO. The phrase, I believe in "the holy catholic church" suggests a universal church. Here, in this life, the universal church means nothing. It is not an organization that carries out the work of the Lord. They never sent out a missionary, administered a baptism or the Lord's Supper, helped the poor or the sick, took up an offering, held a worship service that praised the Lord, or took up an offering. The universal church only has significance in eternity. Next, the creed says I believe "in the communion of saints." This is not a belief. Christians naturally want to be we other Christians. The rest of the creed can be found in various parts of Scripture.
Another point you made is that not every Christian sees the work of the Holy Spirit. That may be so, but they ought to. The use of creeds is up to the local church. At least we have that standard and it is not mandated across our denomination, as we are local autonomous churches. I hope this makes my position clearer in a more civil manner.
I agree that Satan's greatest feats are in the churches. The RCC is a good example, with all the ceremony that means nothing, such as transsubtitution, rosary beads, holy water, and their method for confession of sins. They thrive on creeds, and some of the Protestant churches keep them.
Thanks for you apology and is it certainly accepted. No worries. We all can be sharp at times, myself included. I do not wish to come across that way to you either.
I understand that some creeds are not scriptural nor doctrinal, so they can be the agent of Satan. But some are good. When trouble comes to my life, I will admit it is the word of God that I run to, and that the Holy Spirit brings to my mind. Just recently the enemy tried to bombard my mind with certain things that the Holy Spirit corrected with scriptures that I had memorized.