An excellent question.
I wonder how he can justify:
The list could go on and on. Why does he deserve those and other government benefits and kids do not deserve food?
- the government building roads for his use?
- buying food products the government subsidized?
- using medicines and medical equipment developed by government laboratories?
You, I presume, work and pay taxes, Which pay for those things. And because of over spending, the government is no longer able to provide up keep for infrastructure. And why??? Because we are, as a nation, over burdened with welfare for the masses, the unemployed, underemployed, and most blacks are unemployed and underemployed because of the ILLEGAL children and their illegal,law breaking parents. They came here knowing it was against the law. But, they knew, liberals lone your friends in office, will not enforce the laws on the books. And by the way, when a public employee and official FAIL to enforce laws, statutes, municipal codes, etc., they are breaking laws TOO ... and can be fired, and prosecuted for not doing as the public has hired or voted them into office to do, or, to do as THEY SWORE AN OATH TO DO.
Liberalism is a disease, A sin, and if liberals fail to follow the laws they helped write, how much more are they guilty of ignoring the scripture to obey the laws of the land, Romans 13:1-7.