No, those statistics are all obsolete. Antibodies test from all over and more on the way have shown that it probably hit the USA in January and that up to 50 or 55 times as many people have had the Chinese flu more than the reported cases. This lowers the death rate to around the same as regular flu, maybe slightly higher, but at a rate of 1 or 2 per thousand. The last prominent test was from University of Southern California, a very liberal place, which published those results from a large test in Los Angeles. So the rate of recovery is very, very high unless you have other medical problems and are elderly.
You cannot use worldwide data because several countries are not publishing the truth. No one knows how many cases are in Communist China. Cuba is certainly lying. Do you really believe Putin? Do you believe the Islamic world?
The best result came from Taiwan, where people were prepared from Sars and knew that Communist China was dirty, lying, and ruthless. Taiwan had N95 masks for every man, woman, and child and they were able to keep their businesses and schools and everything open. The USA in contrast was totally unprepared and you still cannot buy an N95 mask in the Indianapolis area as the hospitals do not have adequate reserves for a pandemic as Indiana University Medical School was not thinking about a pandemic. The CDC was working on finding a cure for racism and Islamaphobia and they were not prepared for a pandemic. Their warehouses were empty.