Well-Known Member
Only partially true. Those claiming science on their side have been making unwarranted statements for whatever reasons. Their early failures make them less trustworthy. For example, why recommend face masks now, after pooh-poohing the idea early on?Here's the problem:
One side uses the data we have avaliable. As long as they acknowledge their conclusions are based on the data we have then their conclusions are at least supported.
The other side denies the accuracy of the data. They just provide a conclusion based on circumstances they hope will come to pass.
I believe the flaw is in the unknown. I respect the science (those who use the data) and the reasonable challenge to the accuracy of the data.
You cannot prove the data wrong. You can only say you doubt it's accuracy and the largest segment has an unknown outcome. And I agree.
Relying on China and the WHO have made them less trustworthy. Saying we know better now, after grossly endangering everyone and exacerbating the problem is a real problem. Not promoting early, extensive testing and studies ASAP is also causing part of the problem we see now.