The sermons I offered you.....teach exactly what the word says...which you deny. Your failure to listen indicates a wrong view on seeking truth, that should not be emulated.
I refuse to listen to those who IMO, have erred. That includes the RCC, SDA, etc. In this case I am not going to waste my time listening to something that I don't believe in. It is a waste of my time.
You obviously do not understand what those men demonstrate from the texts, and yet you have no interest in it, but rather repeat your error.
I am not the one in error.
I find you very inconsistent DHK...consistently inconsistent.
You are either on the money, or lost in space...very peculiar.
I am still grounded on earth brother.
Christians are Spiritual DHK.....because the Spirit indwells them.
We all sin. There are times that even the most godly of Christians take their eyes of the Lord, fail, and need to come back to 1John 1:9, and confess their sin.
If there is any that denies the above truth, and say that they are sinless, then they are in dire warning of what John says in 1John 1:8.10--denying Christ Himself.
Christians can act out of .like, or similar to unsaved persons.
Yes, that is carnality. It is the mark of a carnal Christian. How long will such a one go on living "our of character"? That is the question.
That is why Paul rebukes them...they were acting as men[natural men} acting like the this particular sin...
Paul rebukes them because they were carnal, acting in the flesh, as babes that had not grown spiritually. He could not feed them meat, but had to feed them milk.
1 Corinthians 3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able
to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
--It is very plain. Here Paul says: I want to feed you with meat, but you are still not able to take it. I still have to feed you with more milk. For this reason they were carnal.
The fact that he calls the "brethren" indicates that they were saved, Christians: but "Carnal Christians."
later in the letter he shows the contrast quite clearly...
11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
There is no difference between "called a brother," and "is a brother." Paul is not playing word games and is not deceitful. A brother is a brother. He is referring to the saved. The point here is church discipline. If a "brother" sins (as in 1Cor.5:1-4), then the church needs to discipline him out of the fellowship of believers and be consistent with that discipline. Don't have fellowship with him. Don't go and invite him to your house for dinner, or vice-versa. Don't go and have coffee with him. Don't have fellowship with him at all. That is the reason that he was disciplined "out of the fellowship of the church."
Whether he had committed any sin of immorality, drunkenness, idolatry, (new car, computer, sports, TV, etc.--lots of idols) covetous (lots of things to covet--common sin), or an extortioner. Whatever the cause one is disciplined for, don't have fellowship with him. That doesn't mean he is unsaved. How could he be unsaved? One doesn't admit into membership unsaved individuals! The membership of the church are only saved and baptized individuals. This discussion revolves only around those who are saved in the first place.
Called a brother....but if their life can be explained in these terms , he says throw them out if they do not repent. he does not say..oh well they are carnal christians so they will not get a yo-yo and box of cracker jacks in the future kingdom????
Paul doesn't play word games like some of your friends do. He tells the truth. If Paul "calls them a brother," then they are brothers!!!
"Brothers" can be carnal. That is what he is teaching. He is not teaching that we should play around with words and make them mean what they don't mean. Church discipline is only meaningful when it applies to the saved--saved individuals who have fallen into sin. It has always been that way. Why else would you exercise church discipline. Read Matthew 18. Jesus recommended church discipline, and gave the method how to exercise. Go to thy
brother. If he does not repent, take one or two witnesses with you in going again to thy
brother. If he does not repent bring it to the church (and your
brother), that the church may exercise discipline. Then your
brother will be treated like a publican or the heathen. IOW, he is to be avoided. But he doesn't lose his salvation. He is still a brother. But until he repents he is a carnal brother, a carnal Christian who has been disciplined out of the church.
No he says:
12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
Those that are without are the unsaved outside of the church. Paul or the church does not them. What business is it of the church to try and discipline the "gays" and others that have no business with us. It is not our business. God will judge them.
Our local churches are composed of saved individuals. And in the midst of those saved individuals there is bound to be the odd carnal Christian.
We all aren't as spiritual as you would hope us to be.
In fact James writing to believers says:
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
--James is addressing carnal Christians. These are "brethren." They were committing spiritual adultery. They were called the enemies of God and yet at the same time they were saved, born again, blood bought Christians, just carnal ones.