Phil.1:29 does nothing for you.
Over and over again (not just this passage) does Jesus say: "I have not found such faith," "And he marveled at his faith," Thy faith hath made thee whole," "According to thy faith..." Dozens of passages show that Jesus attributed faith as inherent to the individual who was an unbeliever. We all have faith. Jesus said that small children have faith. Faith is inherent in every person. It is the simple ability to believe.
Again, you misuderstand the reference the Lord made to being like children!
He was referring to the lind of trusting in God completely/faithfully, just as kids do their Fathers, we need to our heavenly father!
NOT adressing if children have inherit faith in them!
What is important is not the ability to believe, but rather the object of what you believe. The Muslims have as the object of their belief, Allah. They will die and go to hell because of it. Some have as their object: money, family, business, other gods. If Christ is not the object of your faith your eternity will not be heaven. Christ is the only way to heaven. He must be the object of your faith.
Muslims and all others will go to hell because they are sinners who also chose willingly to deny jesus as means to save them by God...
faith does NOT save anyone, its the atoningf work of Grace on Cross of Christ, faith merely connects us into TAHT!
Christ is the author and finisher
of our faith
He is the object of our faith. Our faith will end when Christ comes again. There will be no need for faith at the coming of Christ. Why? We walk by faith and not by sight. When He comes we shall see him as he is, and have no need of faith. He is the author and finisher of our faith.