I think the principle gets lost in the algorithm so to speak. X leads to Y which results in Z. In the absence of Y then Z will not be attained and X never existed or was lost.
Ask 20 Baptists to define X and you'll get 24 answers. Same thing with Y and Z.
If X is the point of salvation how many different definitions do you think we could come up with among the BB? We might all agree on Grace but differ widely on the means of it. How many different definitions do you think we could come up with for sanctification? Is it immediate, progressive, both, a second act of Grace subsequent to justification or a concurrent act?
You shouldn't have to write a dissertation trying to explain what you mean by Christian.
WEll what happens around here is that there is a lot of talking past each other. One person posts their view based on their definition, another responds based on their defintion. Both know the other has a different definition but is to proud to address it because in their mind they are right so they should not have to address the other's so called wrong definition and thereby view.
All the heated posts and name calling comes out of this.
Further, one does not like the view of the other so they try to assert their own definition on them and tell them what they really mean.
Hence I basically avoid all the cal debates. No one is honest about their views or the views of others around here.