You are wrong. God Himself, declares through His prophets, tests that the people should use to determine who speaks for God and who does not. God used highly detailed prophecy and miracles to prove His chosen messengers. (Duet 18) So what Pope do you know who has performed miracles before the people on behalf of God?
Wrong. (2Tim 3:16) "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" Why would a Christian accept anything other than proven words from God, Scripture?
This is true, but it remains a fact that we BOTH believe there is an infallible Scripture by which our beliefs and teaching/preaching shall be judged. We do not forfeit our responsibility to study, to show ourselves approved unto God, over to a man made counsel which will tell us what we are to believe. We understand their is a possibility we could be wrong, which makes us study deep. Menno wants to hear "well done, good and faithful servant" as do I. Whichever one of us is wrong, this wrong belief will be burned as wood, hay and stubble, and we will accept that, yet we ourselves shall be saved.
"Wrong. (2Tim 3:16) "All scripture
is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" Why would a Christian accept anything other than proven words from God, Scripture?"
Because God says so. Having eyeballs is profitable for doctrine that doesn't equate to "only eyeballs"
Its profitable to drink milk for nutrition, that does not mean ONLY milk is nutritious or that milk is nutrition itself.
He could have easily wrote scripture IS doctrine, scripture IS instruction in righteousness but did not. Profitable means it helps.
Its profitable to have a fire to keep warm. Doesn't mean fire is the only thing that keeps a person warm.
Scripture itself gives good example with Peter concerning the gentiles. God gives him vision directs Cornelius to meet Peter.
Had the church held to the view of scripture alone there is no grounds for questioning whether circumcision of gentiles was not necessary.
Scripture is always right, Any RULE, Instruction or Law that is not backed by scripture is a false rule, false instruction and false law.
There is a RULE a Law, a beautiful law, it LOOKS PERFECT, the rule goes like this, Everything christian the sole and only and final rule of faith is the holy scripture.
I would LOVE to have a rule like that, its just beautiful, No matter how much I like it, Its not in there. That rule is a MAN MADE rule that does not exist in scripture.
Show us the verse in scripture that says this.
Scripture is perfect, agreed. Scripture is true, agreed. Scripture is a good thing, agreed. Scripture is God breathed, agreed. Scripture was written by people guided by the holy spirit, agreed.
Amen to scripture. Hallelujah to the word of God. Amen to not adding anything extra.
Scripture is the only and final rule of faith, We are saying that is ADDING EXTRA, that is going beyond what is written.
Show us a verse that says that. Not a verse that say well scripture is important, we are not debating that, Or this verse that says its PROFITABLE which means helpful, we are not saying scripture is not helpful.