You love this unintentional sin stuff don't you? :laugh:
It is just a little unfair to compare us to the Jews who had what? 613 commands from God? That's a lot to remember, and even more to do.
I am sure everyone forgets something once in awhile and commits some sort of unintentional sin. But that is not quite the same as intentional sin.
Nobody is FORCED or COMPELLED to sin intentionally by their nature except maybe those "savant" folks who shout out curse words uncontrollably. But if that is a real medical condition, that is not really their fault.
Now, if you stub your toe you might curse unintentionally, but that is force of habit which was learned intentionally to begin with. Little children do not curse when they stub their toe, they cry out for "Mommy!".
You sure like to make a lot of excuses for sin. :laugh:
No, I don't make excuses for sin. If you want to compare "number of commands" the number of commands under grace far exceeds those under law. But because we are under grace the punishment is not as great. We don't have to bring a blood offering to a priest and make an animal sacrifice.
We, ourselves, are priests and can freely come before our Great High Priest at any time, at any place, and there coming right before the throne of God ask forgiveness in our time of need.
"If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Often our sins are sins of omission which are just as great as commission.
Did I witness to that person that I should have?
Did I spend the time in prayer that I should have?
Have I spent the time in the study of God's Word that is pleasing to God?
Before purposefully evangelizing do I spend time in prayer; am I full of the Holy Spirit?
Do I know for absolutely sure that right now I am in the center of God's will doing what God wants me to do? If not why not?
Sin is not limited to the Ten Commandments. Neither is it encompassed by Jewish Law. Our sin is when we displease Christ in any way.
You seem to think that it would be possible for man to go through life without sin.
John says differently:
1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.