Dave G
Well-Known Member
With respect, I don't feel as if I need to ask.You still haven't asked what my reconciliation is?
(It's only one short sentence.)
I believe that I know what reconciliation is...
It is God reconciling believers to Himself, by Jesus Christ ( Romans 5:10-11, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Colossians 1:20-22 ).
See my above.Oh, I forgot, you're not interested ...
Everything?because you already know everything.
No, I don't know everything, Samuels...
But I do understand my Saviour's words, at least for the most part.
No, that's not it.Yes, that's it.
It's because you believe in loss of salvation, and this isn't the first time I've considered the Scriptures that you see as support for it.
To me, wherever you are coming from, it's not from a complete understanding of how God's word all fits together, doctrinally.
Also, I'm being mindful of where you've already begun your thread arguing from... a standpoint of a person's behavior leading to their gaining of eternal life.
That is why I posted Romans 6:23...because eternal life is a gift, not a reward for good behavior.
To be blunt, here's what I see happening in our exchange thus far:
Not only do you see me as being wrong ( which is your prerogative ), you also think that you can justify any bad behavior as being Christlike...which isn't.
If you see me being anything but godly towards you, then call me on it.
I will take godly correction, sir.
At this point, I cannot take back my first post where I gave the picture of a cart before the horse...and I suspect you may believe that I was mocking you.
I'm sorry I did it, and cannot retract it.
I can, however, ask your forgiveness for it, and promise not to "shoot from the hip" as much as possible, in any further interaction that we may have.