Since Steve has bound us only to the text of MacArthur's statement, I quote his reference to a survey.
Recent surveys1 reveal that a large percentage of people who self-identify as "evangelical" do not understand even the most basic principles of gospel truth. In a recent poll of self-styled evangelicals, 52 percent said they reject the concept of absolute truth; 61 percent do not read the Bible daily; 75 percent believe people are basically good; 48 percent believe salvation can be earned by good works; 44 percent believe the Bible does not condemn abortion; 43 percent believe Jesus may have sinned; 78 percent believe Jesus is the first being created by God; 46 percent believe the Holy Spirit is a force rather than a Person; 40 percent believe lying is morally acceptable in certain circumstances; 34 percent accept same-sex marriage as consist with biblical teaching; 26 percent reject Scripture as God's Word; and 50 percent say church attendance is not necessary.
Most of those views are categorically incompatible with saving faith. In other words, many who self-identify as evangelicals are not believers at all.
Thank you Austin. Barna has done great work in addition to Lifeway on polling Believers. It paints a sorry picture of evangelicals too.
To me, the real problem we are seeing is how hard Moderates are pushing to define the church as fundamentally modern, misinterpreting scripture or ignoring it. Another part of which is abandoning biblical faith in search of Seekers. Ecumenicalism is another method of compromising the church. Rome is not Christian and many Mainliners aren't either. There is also the problem with Charismaticism, an unbiblical movement that adds to scripture with the so called Baptism of the Holy Spirit and modern apostles and prophets.