To repeat myself, yes, these events have all happened. I've proven it over and over, but you close your eyes to the evidence. Talk about opinion and guesswork, you don't have a shred of evidence, so you repeat the conjecture of "prophecy pundits".
Your "evidence" is guesswork.
The Beast was Nero / the Roman Empire.
I explained why Nero couldn't've been the beast. The beast will be the man of sin mentioned by Paul, and also his empire, as seen in Rev. 17.
The False Prophet was Apostate Israel.
Pure conjectuire. The FP will be a man, same as the beast. Both will be cast alive into hell when Jesus returns. That's a Scripture in Rev. 20 often overlooked (often deliberately) by prets.
The Mark of the Beast was not a literal mark, but described those who aligned themselves with the Roman Empire.
More horse feathers. The mark will be LITERAL,most likely some kinda computer chip.The Romaqn empite couldn't be received in the right hand or forehead. And the false prophet will have it issued, WORLDWIDE.
All life in the Mediterranean did not literally die. Again, this is hyperbole and symbolic language.[/quote
But it WILL; it simply hasn't yet happened.
Those in Jerusalem saw Christ's judgment come upon them in AD 70. His literal return is still in our future.
Half-right. They saw the culmination of the "days of vengeance" Jesus decreed against that generation of Jews.
The lengths you futurists will go to in order to defend your views, especially the way you twist prophecies to fit your views, is truly sad. For an otherwise very smart man, you've swallowed the futurist version of the "End Times" hook, line, and sinker.
I can say the same about preterists, only that version would be true. Again, your 'evidence' consists of mostly guesswork and twisting some Scriptures into "figurative/symbolic" status.
Again, I just sit back & laugh at all the preterists' tall tales & attempts to re-write Scripture and history.