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I have absolutely no ideal
Didnt read any of it ......
Thanks for putting that raw footage of a directed “interview” first. Quite compelling, obviating the need to watch the others. Posting a fake interview alleging a fake moon landing really takes the cake.Film Maker, Stanley Kubrick, says "Fake!":
Man-kind never set foot on the planetary body known as the 'moon', according to the Bible (KJB), History & Science.
Just because:
N.A.S.A. - Not Always Scientifically Accurate
N.A.S.A. - Never A Straight Answer
N.A.S.A. - Numerous Anomalies Scams Abound
N.A.S.A. - National Academy of Space Actors
N.A.S.A. - Not Anything, Simply Aether,
N.A.S.A. - Neither Aerospace, Sadly, Astro-NOTS!
N.A.S.A. - Never Accept Serpent Assertions.
Saying such does not validate the heresy of 'flat-earth' rhetoric. One error demonstrated (NASA), does not validate an associated error (flat-earth) as true. This thread is not for the purpose of discussion of said erroneous 'flat-earth' (make your own thread, and I will be glad to show from scripture and SoP/ToJ the error of 'flat-earth' in great detail).
The position taken, is a scriptural (KJB), historical and scientific one.
God will never allow man-kind and their sin to leave this planet [world, spheroid, it is the quarantine zone, the sickbed of the universal Hospital [angels, as nurses, Christ Jesus the Great Physician, a leper colony on an island in space, struck off [temporarily] from the continent of heaven, etc], and even now [since the Cross] satan is trapped here, unable to leave [1 Timothy 6:7 (which seems to draw upon Job 1:21 & Ecclesiastes 5:15); Revelation 12:8-13; Romans 5:6 [combined with Revelation 12:10]; 2 Corinthians 4:4 [this world only and no other worldly body in the heavens] KJB].
1 Timothy 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
Psalms 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Mankind was in Genesis, given dominion (Genesis 1:26,28) over this world, and no others. Mankind in Genesis is never given dominion over any of the Sun, Moon or "stars". Once satan usurped that dominion, he was considered the 'god of this word' (2 Corinthians 4:4) in the place of Adam as the 'god' (who knew good) of this world (Genesis 3:5; Psalms 82:1,6; John 10:34; etc). Only satan could then travel to the third Heaven and back (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-7; 1 Kings 22:19-23; 2 Chronicles 18:18-22) as representative.
Mankind, as well as the devil, does have physical access to "high" (Ephesians 6:12; applying to the natural first) altitude ("power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2; on this earth, but nothing beyond that. The reach of the devil does not extend to the moon, sun or stars any longer. Yet, he still tries, through mankind, to spread sin to all the unfallen worlds.
The space program (whether from NASA, Space-Ex, or other government and/or private 'space' agencies) is/are actually another system designed by satan based upon the tower of babel reasoning/thought, being another way up into Heaven other than The Way (John 14:6), another ladder other than the Jacobs Ladder - Jesus Christ. The only way into Heaven now is by vision (Revelation 1:10), or by John 14:1-3.
Some names I may recommend to all (most of which is freely available online to read or watch, consider scientifically).
Bill Kaysing (ex Rocket-Dyne engineer);
James Collier (Was it only a paper moon; an independent reporter);
Bart Sibrel (Astronauts Gone Wild; a (now) Seventh-day Adventist, I have spoken with him);
Ralph Rene (NASA Mooned America);
Marcus Allen (author, speaker with Aulis & Nexus magazine);
David Percy (What happened on the Moon, Analysis; Hall of Mirrors; film and audio/visual expert);
Mary Bennett;
Jim (James) Fetzer;
Jarrah White (Moon Faker, Mars Faker (youtube); independent atheist, be aware of that, but he surely disproved 'Myth Busters' in person);
Richard Hall and fellows;
N.A.S.A. itself (last by not least), and its own material, still available and that which has since been removed, deleted, redacted, etc.
If any need a link to those material, they can be provided.
Do I agree with everything they have said or done Of course not. I am only interested in facts, which substantiate the scriptural position.
What I find, especially in these last days of deception (Revelation 12:9, 13:14, 18:23, 19:20, 20:10; 2 Timothy 3:13, etc), is that people trust their fallible eye-witness and fallen reasoning, more than the sure word of Prophecy from God who cannot lie. Mankind instead has believed the lie through the medium (Tele-vision), just as it was in the beginning. Eve truly believed she had entered a higher 'sphere' (world) of experience, when all the while, it was a delusion.
The only way in which a man may be truly "lifted up" (John 3:14, 8:28, 12:32) to Heaven, is not by force of might and strength of arm, willpower and satanic ingenuity, but it is only through Calvary, and dying upon the Cross appointed by God. It is never achieved by exalting (propelling) one's self upward that one gains Heaven and surpassing of earth's bounds, but it is by lowering one self, and humbling one self to the dust, and dying unto the death of the Cross that we are then taken by God and exalted to Heaven. Jesus gave the example:
Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Php 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Is it crazy that NASA is using miniatures?I really hope that, when I start threads, I don't come off like a crazy person like this.
Can you tell me what the boots, along with the spacesuits were made of, and what radiation protection was built into the boots, and suit, and their thermal tolerances?
Here is some information that you might consider:
I did not see any radiation shielding mentioned in the making of those boots - at all. Silicone, glass fiber and 'stainless steel' are not radiation shielding materials. Galvanized Steel can block some EMF radiation.
Help? Are you serious? You obviously have no idea what you are referring to, and just cited some quick yahoo answers baloney or a quick google search.I may can help.
No radiation suit can protect from photons (gamma and x-ray waves). Most of the radioactive particles are alpha radiation (from helium nucli).
The most biologically dangerous particles is alpha. The space suits would easily protect from alpha (a piece of paper blocks alpha). The suits would also easily block beta (foil blocks beta).
According to those in the actual "know" of radiometrics and particle physics, a mere "2,000 mSv (2 Sv)" can be fatal:... So you are left with gamma and x-ray photons (which cannot be blocked by space suits).
For a 6 month stay in space astronauts could be exposed to a dose of 50 mSv to 2,000 mSv (well below a lethal limit).
Now, if they could try to breathe space air and had an uptake of alpha....then there would be an issue.
BTW, Union Station gives a .06 mRem/ dose. Just a fun fact.
You do not know what you are talking about.Help? Are you serious? You obviously have no idea what you are referring to, and just cited some quick yahoo answers baloney or a quick google search.
Alpha particles cannot be blocked by "a piece of paper".
According to several scientific (not yahoo answers) papers, by NASA and others, Alpha particles can be blocked, but it matters in "density" and also "thickness", but they speak about low level density radiation, and not high density and intensity radiation:
From Lance Industries:
"... In the case of radiation shielding, we aim to attenuate the particles that would otherwise have the ability to interact with cellular material and destroy healthy DNA.
Depending on the scenario, your place of business might opt for one shielding material over another, depending on considerations such as:
- Charged particles: These are usually de-energized by barriers that contain electrons. The charged particles lose energy to the electrons in the barrier and are no longer threatening.
- Neutrons: When we use a combination of elastic and inelastic scattering, we reduce the potential harm of neutrons.
- X-Rays and Gamma Rays: These are attenuated in three ways – photoemission (the process of exposing certain metals to light in order to release electrons), scattering (using a material that causes the particles to scatter, significantly diminishing their trajectory and concentration) and pair production.
Gamma and X-Ray Shielding
- Effectiveness
- Resistance to damage in a particular environment/setting
- Strength
- Thermal properties
- Financial efficiency
When it comes to attenuating gamma and x-rays, density matters. This is one of the reasons why lead aprons and blankets are the most common shielding products wherever gamma-rays or x-rays are used. If you may recall from earth science or chemistry, lead (Pb) had a very high number or protons in each atom – 82, to be exact, along with a corresponding number of electrons. This makes it a very dense metal shield. The thickness of the shielding is adjustable according to the degree of protection required.
Even so, a small number of particles can still make it through so this needs to be taken into consideration is routine exposure is potential.
Alpha and Beta Shielding
In the case of alpha and beta shielding, we still place an emphasis on density but thickness is not as much of a concern as it is with x-rays and gamma rays. Alpha particles can be blocked by something as simple as a centimeter of plastic or an inch of paper. Since lead doesn’t always stop beta particles, we prefer to use plastic to block these particles as well, which is efficient in terms of economics as well as maneuverability.
Neutron Shielding
Neutrons have no charge, and so they can pass through dense materials – like lead – as quick as they please. Thus, we need elements with a low atomic number to stop neutron radiation. Hydrogen, the very lightest of the elements – becomes an ideal choice. When neutron radiation passes through the very un-dense hydrogen-based materials (water being a prime example) the low-density material forms a barrier, preventing neutron particles from passing through.
That being said, the act of blocking the neutrons can cause low-density materials to emit gamma-rays when blocking neutrons, so we typically combine both low- and high-density materials. The low-density materials create the elastic scattering of the neutrons, and then the high-density material blocks the resulting gamma rays via in-elastic scattering. ..." - What Blocks Radiation? Materials Used in Radiation Shielding
Ah, an "inch pf paper", that is packed "dense[ly]". How thick were the Apollo space suits?
Hmmm, they recommend "lead", or in some low level radiation instances (not like Van Allen belts, Cosmic (GCR's), Neutron, Gamma, X-Rays, Radio waves, Ultraviolet, Solar burst (SPE) or events (which were recorded during 'Apollo flight times') in space and beyond LEO, etc) "inch of paper" (at a minimum) and the spacesuits were 3/16 inch thick (that's 13/16 inch too small, and not dense at all), and not made of paper. The suits were made by a bra company that used rubber ["neoprene rubber and metalized polyester films ... Beta cloth, made of Teflon-coated glass microfibers, used for the suit’s outermost layer ... neoprene reinforced with nylon tricot ..." - Neil Armstrong’s Spacesuit Was Made by a Bra Manufacturer | History | Smithsonian Magazine ].
"Approximately 3/16" thick, 11 layers of materials." - https://sma.nasa.gov/SignificantIncidentsEVA2018/assets/space_suit_evolution.pdf
That type of material (Beta) was to stop fire, or be flame retardant and to be flexible (you know for supporting "boobs" (Astronots). It had nothing to do with radiation shielding.
NASA to this day warns about "dangerous radiation" just at the Van Allen belts, not to mention the rest beyond that:
There is even previously "previously undetected" radiation:
If you think a 'piece of paper' is going to block even the alpha radiation, I don't want to be standing next to you when you try it. I want to be behind some lead shielding, about 4 rooms away with water between. Let's even allow for a half inch stack of paper (that's still 5/16 inch short of 8/16 in regards the 3/16 space suit thickness, and that accounts for the total of the materials of the suit, not the 'paper' diaper):
"... Alpha and Beta Particles: Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei, and are relatively easy to block, while beta particles are negatively charged electrons that are more difficult to shield against.
When it comes to protecting against radiation, the basic radiation protection principals or radiation safety tips involve time, distance, and shielding. Time, in this case, means to limit exposure to the minimum amount possible. Distance means staying as far from radiation sources as possible as a best practice. The intensity of radiation generally follows the inverse square law, meaning that it falls off with the square of the distance from the source. Moving twice the distance away from a source of radiation reduces the intensity of exposure by a factor of 1/22 or one fourth the value. Beyond time and distance, making use of effective shielding is the other approach to managing exposure to radiation.
But what materials protect against radiation? The most common ones used include lead, concrete, and water - or a combination of these. Below ... In some cases, lead is ineffective in stopping beta particles because they can produce secondary radiation when passing through elements with a high atomic number and density. ..." - Radiation Shielding Materials - A Guide
Must be nice to cite 'you' as authority.You do not know what you are talking about. ...
I do not need to surf the web and read. This is my job.According to those in the actual "know" of radiometrics and particle physics, a mere "2,000 mSv (2 Sv)" can be fatal:
You said, "For a 6 month stay in space astronauts could be exposed to a dose of 50 mSv to 2,000 mSv (well below a lethal limit). ..."
You don't know what you're talking about, as according to standard government radiation dose limit charts, the following is the set norm (note: mSv is milliSievert, and Sv is Sievert):
Did you see the "one-year" (that's 6 more months (180 days) than you gave) limit of "50mSv"? And that is the low end. That is not what is just in high earth atmosphere, neither the Van Allen Radiation belt 1 or 2, neither that which exists between the belts and beyond the belts, where electrons are at super high speeds (mostly blocked by the Van Allen). So, it becomes more serious even beyond the Van Allen. The Van Allen may be a high level area of radiation, but it is actually a protective layer (layers) to keep out high velocity electrons streaming inward or towards us as a world (and that doesn't even take into account the electrons still present below that (within that) from Operation Starfish Prime, [July 9, 1962], whose "... intensity of these electrons is decreasing quite slowly, and some of them will be present for years. ...", along with other high altitude detonation of nuclear materials (pg 23) - https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19650019895/downloads/19650019895.pdf ).
"... Radiation worker one-year dose limit (50 mSv)
Lowest one-year dose clearly linked to increased cancer risk (100 mSv)
Dose causing symptoms of radiation poisoning if received in a short time (400 mSv, but varies)
Sever radiation poisoning, in some cases fatal (2000 mSv, 2Sv)
Extremely sever radiation poisoning. Survival sometimes possible with prompt treatment (4 Sv)
Fatal dose, even with treatment (8 Sv) ..." - How much radiation is too much? A handy guide - Need to Know | PBS
"... The Van Allen belts were the first discovery of the space age, measured with the launch of a US satellite, Explorer 1, in 1958. In the decades since, scientists have learned that the size of the two belts can change – or merge, or even separate into three belts occasionally. But generally the inner belt stretches from 400 to 6,000 miles above Earth's surface and the outer belt stretches from 8,400 to 36,000 miles above Earth's surface. ...
... The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has recommended that exposure of galactic cosmic rays to aircrew be considered an occupational exposure. The value of 50 mSv in a year was recommended by the Health Physics Society (HPS) in a 2010 position paper. And they further recommend a dose of 100 mSv accumulated over a lifetime. Many other countries have adopted the limits posed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 2007 report recommendations of 20 mSv per year for occupational effective dose limit with allowances to go as high as 50 mSv per year so long as the average annual dose over five years does not exceed 20 mSv . ...
...The NAS recommended a reference risk of 4 Sv for a career and NASA adopted this as their dose limit thru 1989. It was in this year that the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) issued Report 98, which provided updated recommendations that were dependent on both age and gender. These limits only applied to low earth orbits (LEO)." - https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/van-allen-probes-spot-impenetrable-barrier-in-space
"... The problem of protection against the natural radiations of the Van Allen belts was recognized before the advent of manned space flight. The simplified solution is to remain under the belts (below an altitude of approximately 300 nautical miles [LEO]) when in earth orbit and to traverse the belt rapidly on the way to outer space. In reality, the problem is somewhat more complex. ..." (Project Against Radiation, page 3) - https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730010172/downloads/19730010172.pdf
That is just dealing with external radiation, and doesn't even include the radiation coming from the internal mechanics and materials of the 'craft' themselves.
"... 1 Gray = 100 R
1 Sievert (S) = 100 rad => 100 rem
10 mGy = 1 Roentgent
10 mSv = 1 rad => 1 rem
The whole-body exposure threshold for acute hematopoietic syndrome or "radiation sickness" is 500 mGy. A dose of ~3,000 mGy produces an acute gastrointestinal syndrome that can be fatal with major medical intervention, and a dose of ~ 5,000 mGy is considered the human LD 50 / 30, that is, the lethal dose for 50% of the population in 30 days, even with treatment. ...
... "Radiation doses that exceed a minimum (threshold) level can cause undesirable effects such as depression of the blood cell-forming process (threshold dose = 500 mSv, 50 rem) or cataracts (threshold dose = 5,000 mSv, 500 rem)*. The scope and severity of these effects increases as the dose increases above the corresponding threshold. Radiation also can cause an increase in the incidence, but not the severity, of malignant disease (e.g. cancer). ..." - Radiation dosimetry: mSv & mGy
According to several sources, Astronots, were allowed 25,000 millirems, annually [that's 12 mos, or 365 days] (25,000 millirems = 250 mSv - Millirem to Millisievert ).
"... What is a lethal dose from a single instance of radiation? According to studies made after the atomic bomb explosions in 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, half of the people died whose entire bodies were exposed to 450,000 millirems [4,500 mSv] of radiation from the atomic bomb. All persons died whose bodies were exposed to 600,000 millirems [6,000 mSv] of radiation.
Millirems above natural background levels (average 300) and medical radiation:
25,000-Astronauts, per Space Shuttle mission. This also was the annual occupational limit for adults from World War II through 1950. ..." - Radiation, how much is considered safe for humans?
"... European Space Agency, Russian Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency limit is 1000 mSv; NASA limits are between 600-1200mSv, depending on sex and age (1). ..." - How much radiation will the settlers be exposed to? - Health and Ethics - Mars One
"... Spaceflights above 300 nautical miles enter the Van Allen belts and have a dramatic increase in radiation levels. An astronaut in the Van Allen belt without shielding could be exposed to over 500 ųSv/Hr. (FAA.doc) ... Missions on the ISS [LEO] or Russian Mir space station [LEO] have registered exposures greater than 100 mSv to some astronauts. And long-term future missions to Mars estimate exposures exceeding 1,000 mSv. ..." - GO FLIGHT MEDICINE - Cosmic Radiation
Did you catch that? LEO persons experience registered exposures of greater than 100 mSv. That is below Van Allen belts, and not counting between and beyond them in the high electron fields. Some have stated that cancer can be forming at low as 20 mSv and death scenarios at just below 1 Gy and above and between 2 Gy- Radiation Hazard Scale | CDC
"... The EPA sets regulatory limits and recommends emergency response guidelines well below 100 millisieverts (10 rem) to protect the U.S. population, including sensitive groups such as children, from increased cancer risks from accumulated radiation dose over a lifetime. ..." - Radiation Health Effects | US EPA
Frankly, anyone who says that it is not "dangerous radiation" (thus deadly) in the Van Allen, doesn't represent accurate science:
See also - Apollo Investigation, Spaceflight. Orion, the Van Allen Belts and Space Radiation Challenges by Mary Bennett. AULIS Online – Different Thinking
Hey, I read, why don't you.
No, I'm not citing me. I'm citing 5Q1.1 (and a little in 5Q1.2). Look it up yourself.Must be nice to cite 'you' as authority.
There is a difference between "I don't know what 'you' are talking about", and "I don't know what 'I' am talking about."When we look at samples
What in the world does that have to do with the OP and subsequent posts by myself?Another cool thing is bremsstrahlung. Decades ago techs would build lead shielding around beta contaminated areas. The problem is this increases x-ray exposure (the beta particles lost energy and changed direction, but the energy lost was gained in the form of x-ray photons- making the matter worse.
The definition you provided shows where the bias lies and why you did not "hear" about the fakery.... did I hear any credible source...
Again, read the OP and subsequent posts. I am not speaking about "here on earth". I gave specific locations, LEO (high upper atmosphere), Van Allen belts, and beyond. Let's not confuse the two things as if they are the same thing, or have the same effects. Did you read the last link I provided?Our average annual exposure here on earth is 620 mrem/ yr.