We could be talking past one another.There is a difference between "I don't know what 'you' are talking about", and "I don't know what 'I' am talking about."
I personally think it is just a matter of difference in what we are speaking about in matters location, intensity, etc. In other words, talking past one another.
I cited my sources and provided the sampling data, and suit materials and the location of the measured rates (ie, Val Allen, LEO, etc in the upper atmosphere (where 'air' is extremely 'thin', or in the 'vacuum' (a strange word since it is filled with all kinds of things, electrically charged particles, etc) of 'space'). When you speak of 'samples' you didn't provide the data of those examples of 'alpha' (etc) (what was their intensity, kinetic energy in MeV. You are most likely referring to (I assume here) standard earth atmosphere or basic 'air' environment between sea level and a few miles up, since you stated you are a RadCon inspector (where specifically please) and for what materials/locations?
Radiation is essentially radiation. The materials may act differently within our atmosphere (alpha, for example, can be blocked by an inch of so of air....but what about in space).
And there is a difference between radioactive contamination and radioactibity (and radiation, for that matter).
I'll PM you. I am not comfortable sharing too much personal info on the open forum (even though we have disagreements I do not think you untrustworthy).