Yes, they do. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you...Look at his last nine posts. Five of them say what you deny. Maybe being a mod, you can hurry up & delete them.

Like you, @church mouse guy simply could not accept a person would see the GOP and DNC as worldly except that person be a Democrat. That was his "case" against me...problem is, it was a lie. I have been a Republican but never a Democrat. I never leaned that way. My values are the same, I just do not express them through the GOP.
If you want to know why, read posts from @Aaron , @church mouse guy , and your posts. They are dishonest. They assume I lean Democrat or like Biden because I have decided to follow my conscious and refrain from voting in political elections.
I am probably more conservative than you (at least, you are no more conservative than I). I just do not affiliate with a political party any more.
I believe you feel I am a target for that (you can lie about me because your thugs will back you up and I have no party disciples). But it is no less a lie.
That is something you all need to consider. You think lying about me some how supports your position, bit it does not. It makes you look weak and pathetic.
But to my knowledge he never posted "one trick pony" (at least not in our interactions).