Going through this passage today in SS prompted some serious discussion and or debate. We know there are four seeds from the passage but the question asked is which one of the four seeds is a Christian? I took the lone ranger position of the last seed and also arguing for Lordship Salvation and referring to Mt 7, Lk 3:8, and other passages that say one must have the fruit of repentance if one is truly saved. However others argued against me and some even said that three of the seeds were true christians, one person said 2 of the seeds, and the person whom said my argument was flawed used the Thief on the Cross illustration in saying one does not need fruit to be truly saved. I did not get a chance but I would argue that certainly someone on their death bed can be saved by calling out to the Lord. But as the book of James indicates and anyone whom seriously considers looking at the Bible in depth on this debate in Biblical Theology (not systematic theology) (in my opinion) will not miss the many passages that emphasize that fruit is necessary. So what say you of this passage?
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