Actually, this is incorrect. I will give you the rest of the information from the page that Lori was copying and pasting from:
Lori absolutely means the Roman Catholic church as we know it and not the church of the body of Christ.
I think she thinks those two things are the same thing.
But given the quotes you gave -
Lori + Catholicdoors said:
Saint Matthew wrote his Gospel about 7 years after Jesus was taken up to Heaven. Saint Mark was 10 years later; Saint Luke was 25 years after the Ascension of the Lord. The Gospel of John was written about 63 years after the Ascension.
The point above being that Christians "existed" prior to the writing of the first of the Gospel letters. And the hope of the RCC is that, purgatory, Mariology, prayers to the dead, magic powers of the priest to confect God etc were all being done in those 7 years before the first Gospel was written - yet innexplicably no Bible writer mentioned it.
Lori said:
I ask you, “How did the early believers become Christians?” “How did they save their souls?”.
The Bible writers say it was by reading the Bible (see Acts 17:1-3, 11).
In fact "
studying the scriptures DAILY to see IF those things spoken to them by Paul WERE SO" - Acts 17:11
Lori + Catholicdoors said:
It certainly was not by reading the Bible
Well there is a difference of opinion that is easily resolved by taking the time to read Acts 17. (Or Acts 13, or Luke 24 ... etc)
Lori + Catholicdoors said:
because there was no New Testament.
Well we can agree that there was no New Testament text until at least the first gospel was written. But that is a far cry from the wild claim that there "was no Bible" - no "scripture" for them to rely on in a true "sola scriptura" test of doctrine.
To the contrary - the inspired text of Acts 17 shows them doing the very thing that the RCC is not allowed for Christians much less non-Christians.
Lori + Catholicdoors said:
It was not until 397 A.D., under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, at the Council of Carthage, that the Catholic Church finally agreed on which writings should be part of the New Testament.
A few inconvenient details surface.
1. The 397 statement did not "produce a Bible" it did not "invent a Bible". it was dealing with written texts ALREADY accepted and read by Christians for centuries.
2. The first century NT Christians were not "refusing to read Paul's letters until three hundred years later when the council of Carthage told them to go ahead and read them". In fact in 1Thess 2 - Paul says that his letters were already being accepted as inspired writing.
Conclusion: nobody in the first and 2nd century A.D was waiting around for the RCC to tell them what to read 300 years later.
Lori said:
The strange thing about Sola Scriptura, those who claim that every word in the Holy Bible is the infallible word of God, they fail to affirm that God commissioned the Catholic Church, no other Church, to compile the Holy Bible. It was the Catholic Church that produced the Bible. It was not the Bible that produced the Church.
On the contrary. Paul was not a member of the Catholic Church - nor did any Catholic church entity tell Paul to write something. The same goes for all other NT writers.
2Tim 3:16 says that God is the one that produced the text - not the RCC.
Peter himself affirms that point 2Peter 1:21.
Now if faith is only obtained by reading the Holy Bible (Sola Scriptura) in order to be saved, than salvation comes from the invention of the printing press.
Wrong "again".
Paul says in 2Tim 3:15-17 that the scriptures that Timothy had available to him "as a child" were sufficient to lead him to salvation.
Oops! No RCC there either!
Lori and Catholicdoors said:
So you see my brothers and sisters in Christ, if we are to believe that we only need the Holy Bible in order to be saved, then most of the members of the Church during the past 1,500 years could not have been saved
That was just shown to be false in the points listed above.
Lori said:
, only those who owned a Bible. We know that this is not true, that an endless number of believers, saints and martyrs, were saved throughout the centuries because of their unity to the Catholic Church as commanded by Jesus.
There is no mention at all in scripture of Jesus ever saying that the "Catholic Church" even existed.
in Christ,