Impossible. The Delta varient was discovered December 2020 in India and the UC January 2021 in Columbia. At the time these were unvaccinated areas (for a large part, still are).The virologist I watched today said the variants are the sole result of vaccinating into a pandemic. He pointed out that we have never in the history of mankind launched mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic. He is not antivax. He is use the right vax in only the high risk.
India handled Covid the right way. The world should take notice. It's the leftists who want to shut our economy down. Just open up and run. We will be fine.
The guy could make the claim if the varients occurred after vacvinations. But since they were found (occurred before found) in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021 in unvaccinated areas (Cokumbia and India) I'd choose a better news source.