You are correct. As a business owner, I will regulate speech within my business. If a customer, client, or employee starts advocating sins against God, I will deal with them as I see fit. That may be done first as a warning, or I may just kick them out right away. I really couldn't care less what the law on the subject is. As a Christian, I won't tolerate people advocating sin against God in my home, business, or any other property of mine.
"....but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
But is this correct?
IF an empolyee is PROMOTING a sin, then I would deal differently.
However, two employees are discussing beliefs in things and both are giving their opinions. One has an opinion different from your own. Do you then fire him? Once again, this is the "thought police". Then what happened in this case was 100% right in your eyes. It is not in mine. If I had a shop, and I was to hire someone, I'd not ask for their religious beliefs ahead of time. I'd hire them because they were qualified. Through their employment, I'd discuss Christ with them and NOT penalize them for what they believe. They believe homosexuality is OK? That's their personal beliefs and I WILL not punish them for that. I WILL, however, spend time discussing why the Bible says it is wrong and I will ask that they not promote homosexuality on the job. If they speak to other employees in discussions on the topic, that's fine, but I would not want them to start campaigning for homosexuality.
So bottom line is that I would not fire someone for their beliefs. Ever. UNLESS they used my store to promote an agenda.
Hey, I believe in the post-trib rapture but my pastor believes in pre-trib. Should he fire me because I believe differently than him? He believes that Christians should never drink any alcohol but I believe responsible alcohol consumption is OK. Should he fire me?