1) Yes, the indwelling of some occurred at Pentecost. But many have been indwelt subsequently.
The point was no-one was eternally indwelt prior to Pentecost, and the reference to men entering the Kingdom and being blocked lies in a Pre-Pentecost context. Failure to distinguish that is why this issue continues to be one of contention.
Christ stated "The Kingdom of God is within you," but we would not equate this to being translated into the Kingdom of Christ. Nor would w equate it with the Millennial Kingdom.
2) The things are spiritual meat, as described in the passage (1 Cor. 2:14-3:3). And of course the gospel is spiritual milk.
And the passage is fairly clear, in view is the revelation of the Mystery of the Gospel, which no eye hath seen, ear heard, nor had it come into the hearts of men that which God prepared. The context centers on the Cross and the Spirit of God. The spiritual things of God are revealed by God, and this has a distinctly New Covenant context (as it was Prophecy in the Old Testament).
Those Paul speaks to are already believers (which is the assumption of all instructional writing, unless we have a warning against apostasy), so you should understand why most will object to making this to teach those not yet born again are receiving milk. The same mistake is made concerning the Hebrews in Hebrews 5:10-14, who are assumed to be Christians, rather than Hebrews still devoted to, though ignorant of, the Law. Properly identifying who is in view is critical.
3) Total Spiritual Inability is overcome by Irresistible Grace accord to the bogus view of some. TSI is bogus and is an unbiblical doctrine. You need to grasp the fact Paul spoke to new born Christians as "men of flesh" using spiritual milk.
That fact is grasped, but the point is whether they are born again or not.
TSI cannot be denied, because as we are told by Christ and Paul, only the revelation given directly from the Spirit of God gives men the ability to understand the spiritual things of God.
That is the entire purpose for the Comforter being sent. And if you consult John 16:7-9, you will see that the world, not believers, are convicted of sin...because they believe not on Jesus Christ. These are natural men falling under the Convicting Ministry of the Comforter. They do not come under conviction through ability they posess, but do so, just as is the case throughout Scripture, by the intervention of God.
4) The fallen can respond to the Revelation of God, as demonstrated by
Matthew 23:13.
And there you have it: they respond to the revelation of God.
It is not something within them, but an external source through which they come to the truth.
We are told we are born again by the Word, and this principle is consistent throughout Scripture. Though new birth was not in view, the Word was given that men might have faith, and though they did not receive the promises (Hebrews 11:13; 39-40), they were nevertheless brought to an understanding of truth through the intervention of God.
5) You can say God hardened hearts but He really did not need to till the cows come home. I will take scripture as is, He hardened the hearts of unbelieving Jews, thus before hardening they had some limited spiritual ability.
I view the hardening of hearts to be the result of God's action, yes, but not as some. God said He would perform an action which would harden hearts, and that is precisely what happens/ed. Rather than God forces a heart to be hard apart from their participation.
6) We agree, the OT Saints were not indwelt before Christ died.
Agreed. While the Spirit of God's ministry can be viewed as internal, because it is the heart of man He deals with, we cannot equate this to the benefits of the Cross whereby Reconciliation, thus Eternal Indwelling...was bestowed.
7) We disagree that fallen people cannot seek God unless first indwelt.
John 1:12-13 teaches the opposite.
Actually we do not disagree, because I have never said men are indwelt before they can understand the truth. If that were the case, then we would equally have to embrace loss of salvation, because we see men who have received truth who fall away. The false teachers of 2 Peter 2:19-21 are a good example. And in Hebrews 10:26-29 we again see those who are rejecting Christ, The Sacrifice of the New Covenant, and resisting the Spirit of Grace.
No, I agree with you, if you reject regeneration being required for a man to receive the truth, I do not teach that. But, where we do differ is in regards to natural man having within himself either the desire or ability to receive the truth apart from the intervention of God. He simply does not have that ability, thus, forced to decide, I would affirm Total Spiritual Inability, though my reasons...I hope I have made clear lol.
God bless.