Even before it was widespread, gay people have talked about how they always knew they were gay.
I am well aware of these popular claims gay people started making, that they were born that way and had no choice. It quickly became the go to argument in the 80’s. Okay?! I don’t buy the argument! I haven’t fallen for this worldly wisdom! I live by Romans 12:2!
You are merely just another who attempts to champion this claim of no choice, “before it was widespread, gay people have talked about how they always knew they were gay” but first, this claim was an excuse and lie that "became widespread" and the shear amount of people claiming they were born that way today is a logically unbelievable delusion of those people who have jumped onto the bandwagon promotion of the excuse that they were born that way. This claim is typically used for propaganda/commonly accepted by today's youth and amounts to a lie. Apparently one you have bought into and repeat while you hang with likeminded people. Yes, "gay people/sinners" love to talk about such things and feed each other's arguments.
Y'know, we can acknowledge that mutations exist (because they definitely do), without believing in evolution.....
More of your propaganda attempts to claim an excuse through a type of “mutation” ...But FYI, I would agree that
some people may be born with genetic defects that alter their sexual orientation exists. For example, a hermaphrodite. But guess what, this type of abnormality is 1 in 10,000 yet homosexuality has not only radically increased but is about 1 in 10 today! It is the act of the sin and the lies that are becoming more “widespread”. Do I believe the claim that 1 in 10 people have sexual defects (mutations) that alter them, absolutely not!
In many it inspired a lot of fear, especially for those who grew up in religious homes.
Another common fallacious Argument from Pity that homes in on attempting to spit in the face of religion. Again, I don’t buy into this argument either!
Imagine knowing you have same sex attraction, wanting it to stop because everyone says you're going to hell, and being terrified of anyone finding out.
Imagine how many people make this claim of not having a choice today trying to justify their sin!
Regarding religion, I am not one that draws a line on what sins will send one to hell, but I where I see the problem is the attempts to deny it is a sin, to not confess it and worse yet trying to biblically justify it with itching ears and not loving the truth of the Word but rather preferring one’s own wisdom on this moral issue - a true believer should fear his/her Father and accept the truth in sorrow and ask for forgiveness, but the world’s wisdom tells those who love lies that they have an excuse(s)!
And this as a kid or teen
Yes, the young are the most vulnerable victims to lies especially of those with an agenda who out to deceive them, by those who deny Christian beliefs, who attempt to put down religion, who spread the propaganda of having no choice because of being born that way.
Like I told you before, I stand on a different platform than you:
2Ti 4:2-4 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.