If you think you misrepresented your position earlier, you are free to correct it, but you don’t really seem to be going that way, as you seem to ignore or skirt the real issue. I’m just going by what your posts seem to be advocating, defending, excusing. On the one hand, your posts read like the influence of the Pedo-LGBTQ+ agenda should be of little or no concern because, in your opinion, it cannot really affect children. Then you admit it can lead children into questioning their sexuality and engaging in sexual perversions even to the point of practicing them up to and into adulthood. Try reading your post and see if that’s not what it sounds like.
You say that “parents and church teachings should come up with the correct approach” only afterward. All I’m saying is that you have no bona fide basis, and certainly nothing Scriptural, for saying that those influences don’t influence, or have no lasting effect. Also, wise parents and pastors will not side with you in thinking that proactive, preventive measures are not called for rather than waiting for potential disaster to strike. The reason is that such vile negative influences will certainly influence a large number of children, as children are ill-equipped to handle such issues. Futhermore, there are consequences that cannot be undone, which the children will have to deal with for the rest of their lives.
I guess I missed your Scriptural support for your position, though I invited you to provide it. Perhaps you only thought you provided it? If you did provide it, just cite those responses to me again.