Dont you think "definitive" is necessary to establish guilt BEYOND a reasonable doubt?
The cause of death is drug overdose.
Floyd asked to be laid on ground.
Officers called EMS and laid him on ground.
Knee to the neck has bad optics but M E. report says it is not the cause of death.
How again did the officers kill Floyd?
The ME report did not say overdose was cause of death. It says overdose was likely cause of death. As an experienced LEO, you know those statements are not the same. Cause of death was not definitively determined.
The ME report did not say the knee to neck did not cause death. It says there was no evidence of asphyxiation. Those are not the same.
IMO, Floyd overdosed. The overdose caused his heart and respiration to slow, causing him to say he couldn’t breathe because he was in fact having trouble breathing.
The LEO’s handcuffed him, as was appropriate. When they tried to put him into the car, he resisted and wanted to be laid down. As far as I could tell, beyond the “overcoming my weight” resistance, Mr. Floyd was not kicking or actively trying to harm the LEO’s.
They laid him face down, and then at least one LEO got in his back and another put a knee to his neck. For the next 6 min or so, Mr. Floyd begged for his life claiming he couldn’t breathe. At some point, Mr. Floyd became unconscious and unresponsive. A LEO check for a pulse and couldn’t detect one.
What followed is why I think the LEO’s killed Mr. Floyd. For 2:45 sec they remained on top of an unconscious, unresponsive man with no detectable pulse.
We will never know if Mr. Floyd would have survived the overdose, had the LEO not complicated his condition by further restricting his ability to breathe and staying on him when it was obvious he posed no danger and there was no legal reason to restrain him.
peace to you