Please give me a little more credit than this, Johnv. While reading through fliers for Black Friday, we counted no less than 13 different stores who have taken the term "Christmas" and changed it to "holidays."I think you might be guilty of being a bit generic, and making a broad accusation. Disneyland's tree is billed as a "Christmas" tree. Our local Home Depot's have "Christmas" trees on sale in their advertising. My local city is having a "Christmas" tree lighting ceremony. I think you're seeing "holiday tree" in one flyer, and using that to make a broadbrush. And even if they did, so what? A Christmas tree isn't about the birth of Christ, the last time I checked. Neither are the lights on my house or the big inflatable Santa on a motorcycl.... oh, un, nevermind.
This isn't about Christmas trees not being about Christ's birth. It's about a deliberate attempt by retailers to remove Christ's name in CHRISTmas in order to pacify the PC crowd, while still pandering to the commercializion of that celebration. It's hypocritical.
So far I've never seen Valentine's Day, July 4th, or Easter changed to "holiday." Perhaps it's because those days don't include the name CHRIST.