So, when did Christmas trees suddenly become holiday trees? I was born in the 70's and NEVER heard of a holiday tree until a few years ago. Same thing with Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations, and Christmas break at school. Somewhere along the line, recently, these have been changed to holiday trees, holiday gifts, holiday decorations, and winter break. Why?
You already answered your own question as to the "how about the when": is our job to stand up for what we believe in instead of wimping out and letting the liberals walk all over us!
But to further address the “why?” to which we have been instructed and warned:
2Tim 4:2-5:
What: (V2) Preach the word… (Jesus Christ coming into the world and why, the thought, the topic, the reasoning and motive, give the account)
How: be instant… (stand upon “it, [the what]” literally- “friendly or otherwise as in an assault, to be at hand and present it”)
When: in season… (“opportunely-when convenient”; during Christmas celebration is a great example of “in season”)
When: out of season… (inopportunely, out of season too)
How: reprove… (to confute, admonish; convict, convince, tell a fault)
How: rebuke… (censure and admonish anything otherwise, forbid it and lay the charge, tax it) …see anything here about being politically correct???
How: exhort… (to call “it” near, invite “it” in, invoke “this it”, desire “this it”) …desire being politically correct? NO, desire to give an account by openly admonishing anything otherwise at ALL times.
How: with all longsuffering… (ALL forms of forbearance and fortitude) …and doctrine. (including as you have just been instructed and taught)
(V3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;…(HMM) but after their own lusts… (the lust of being accepted by others who hate the Truth) shall heap to themselves teachers,… (those of a liberal attitude who stress political correctness in the world regardless of what we have just been told in V2, Romans 12:2) having itching ears,… (an audience willing to back away from V2)
(V4) Who: and they shall turn away their ears from the truth… (those who desire more to be politically correct) and be turned unto fables. (for the purpose to spread an idea of pacifism in order to be politically correct as that is their first desire, to follow the teachings of the world.)
(V5) But watch thou in all things… (a warning about all this to the faithful in the Word) do the work of the evangelist… (we were just told how to do this but some strive turn these instructions into fables and will teach otherwise) make full proof of thy ministry. (I will; meaning to reprove, rebuke, exhort, in season and out, I will preach the word whether opportunely or not as I have been instructed, because THAT is my foremost desire, Amen.)
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