New Member
Yeah, let's not focus on the folks in Afghanistan, and now western Pakistan, that attacked these United States on 9/11/2007 when we can keep our troops tied down in the middle of a civil war in Iraq.
When the mention of removing troops as soon as possible gets brought up I tune out for several reasons.
1. Have we lost faith in our armed forces to do the job
2. We announce to the world that we have been defeated
3. Men and women gave their lives for this war, a war that needed to be fought, Iraq was funding terrorism. The US is still actively pursuing that Afghan Man in the mountains. They haven't stopped that search.
4. The US is making some serious head-way in this surge.
Like I mentioned previously, I am all for Duncan Hunter
1. Pro-Life
2. Anti-Gay Marriage
3. Tough on Immigration
4. For bearing arms
5. Pro-Military
And this guy is from California!!!