3) It is “Total”
“Propaganda must be total. The propagandist must utilize all of the technical means at his disposal – the press, radio, TV, movies, posters, meetings, door-to-door canvassing. Modern propaganda must utilize all of these media. There is no propaganda as long as one makes use, in sporadic fashion and at random, of a newspaper article here, a poster or a radio program there, organizes a few meetings and lectures, writes a few slogans on walls; that is not propaganda.”
Have a look at this . . . 'Pariah' Putin On Post-MH17 Cover Pages
"In the wake of the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, widely attributed to Moscow-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, many magazines and newspapers around the world issued damning indictments against Russian President Putin, portraying him on their covers as a bloodthirsty fiend, a pariah, a liar, and a murderer."
And that’s just print-media magazines. The same is being done in radio, TV, and the blogosphere.
How can democracy be possible in a nation like that? The public are manipulated by lies, all supporting the aristocracy’s agenda; and two political Parties are financed by that same aristocracy, to use different sales-pitches for their shared agenda — never to expose the aristocracy’s agenda as being what it is: one in which the aristocracy exploits and uses the public, retaining the profits for itself, while transferring the losses off onto the public, thereby producing ever-increasing already-astronomical wealth-inequalities, and reducing governmental services to the public (which are reduced because more and more of government’s taxation-income is going toward absorbing the aristocracy’s accumulated load of losing bets, and toward paying ever-rising interest on the government’s resulting increasing debt-load).
Is a nation like that a democracy?
5) It Takes Over Literature and History
“Propaganda will take over literature (present and past) and history, which must be rewritten according to propaganda’s needs.”
Decisive evidence as to how the July 17th shooting-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner occurred is being hidden by the four-nation team that’s doing the official ‘investigation’ into the plane-downing incident.
First, see this, which explains why, if a ground-based missile shot down the airliner, then there can be no bullet-holes and no bullets, in the wreckage, nor in any of the corpses:
The decisive additional evidence (above and beyond that, which already is enough to prove that the Ukrainian Air Force shot the airliner down, and did it intentionally) is the coroner’s report on the corpse of the airliner’s pilot. If the pilot was killed by bullets, then the standard ‘explanation’ of the downing (that the plane was downed by a ground-fired missile) isn’t just false, it’s an outright hoax. So: where’s the pilot’s autopsy?
This is just the tip of iceberg when it comes to rewriting history. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of history being hidden or rewritten.
Here's another example . . .
Do we recall how the US backed Saddam and looked the other way when "he gassed his own people" or do we only recall that "he was a evil dictator that had to go"?
How about this one . . . How The Assad Regime Benefited From Gassing Its Own People
While unusually detailed, the assessment does not include photographs, recordings or other hard evidence to support its claims. Nor does it offer proof to back up the administration’s assertion that top-ranking Syrian officials — possibly including President Bashar al-Assad — were complicit in the attack.
Read more:
This is one MSM article out of hundreds from a Google search. In other words . . .
3) It is “Total”
“Propaganda must be total. The propagandist must utilize all of the technical means at his disposal – the press, radio, TV, movies, posters, meetings, door-to-door canvassing. Modern propaganda must utilize all of these media. There is no propaganda as long as one makes use, in sporadic fashion and at random, of a newspaper article here, a poster or a radio program there, organizes a few meetings and lectures, writes a few slogans on walls; that is not propaganda.”
CBS news asks "where's the evidence?"
Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.
Syria Exonerated!
Sarin gas attack on Syria carried out by terrorists, orchestrated by Turkey
Obama calls off massive U.S. military assault because truth discovered
Just weeks before the August 21 gas attack in Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, a highly classified briefing was sent to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel describing Erdogan’s desperation.
The briefing focused on the fact that the CIA’s withdrawal from the “rat line” had left Erdogan exposed militarily and politically. Supplies to Syria could only go through Turkey, not Lebanon or Jordan. If Syria were to win, Erdogan’s dreams of conquest would turn into a nightmare of hostile radicals at his border. It further stated that Turkey had expressed “the need to do something that would precipitate a U.S. military response.”
After the chemical attack, U.S. intelligence sensed that Syria couldn’t have carried out the attack and Turkey was suspect, but no one knew how it was done.
Ultimately, it was Dempsey and the joint chiefs who convinced Obama to change course by telling him “that the Middle East would go up in smoke” if the attack was carried out.
As intercepts and other intelligence kept coming in after the attacks, the evidence was found to support the suspicions. “We now know it was a covert action planned by Erdogan’s people to push Obama over the red line,” said Hersh’s former intelligence official. “They had to escalate to a gas attack in or near Damascus when the UN inspectors were there.”
The inspectors had come to Damascus on August 18 to investigate previous gas attacks.
- See more at:
There's many more examples but this should be enough to give you pause the next time the mass media goes "total" with one narrative then reverts back to "step one"
1) It Prevents Dialogue.
“To be effective, propaganda cannot be concerned with detail... Propaganda ceases where simple dialogue begins… it does not tolerate discussion; by its very nature, it excludes contradiction and discussion.”
to demonize anyone who has questions or to discount contradictory evidence.
So why aren't we hearing more about Turkey's role in using poison gas to kill Syrians? Maybe because Turkey is already subservient to Washington and the "international community" where as Assad is not? Turkey may have used poison gas to kill/murder Syrians in order to frame Assad and nary a word is written about it?
Where's the "total" wall to wall condemnation of Turkey? Where's the "total" wall to wall demonization of Erdogan portraying him on the covers of magazines and newspapers as a "bloodthirsty fiend, a pariah, a liar, and a murderer"?
We'll never see it because . . .
8) It Aims at Irrational Action
“The aim of modern propaganda is no longer to modify ideas, but to provoke action. It is no longer to change adherence to a doctrine, but to make the individual cling irrationally to a process of action. It is no longer to lead to a choice, but to loosen the reflexes. It is no longer to transform an opinion, but to arouse an active and mythical belief.”
What is the irrational action the government and MSM propagandists are aiming for? Syrian regime change.