Sorry you consider yourself so disparaged.
Van, are you are actually one of those that you warn the B.B. about by posting, “Beware of those who change the subject, tell you what they do not believe, or disparage others?”
Note the change of subject - to disparaging me - rather than agreeing or disagreeing with my biblical answers
As an old geezer, I remember the enemy "brain washing" of our POW in Korea. They taught them (reeducation) that America was not a good country, was not worth fighting for, etc. Corporations (banks) were exploiting the masses, and look at all the evil, giving smallpox to the native peoples, putting blacks to work as slaves and mistreating them in every way imaginable.
America certainly has its faults, but we need to shine the light of day on our problems and not buy the fake news peddled by the governments of North Korea, China, and Russia. Lets make America great again.
Godly people serving godly governing authority to protect our siblings in Christ, from Communism, and Islam is a fight worth having!
1) When do we fight under governing authority? Answer (from post #30) Godly people serving godly governing authority to protect our siblings in Christ, Answer (from post #29) Also note that Acts 4:18-19 also indicates we are do what we believe is right in the eyes of God.
2) If the required action violates God's commands, we, acting as an individual should become a conscience objector. Note that some of these drove ambulances and rendered care on the battlefield.
3) Those that do not honor America are probably not Christians (but many may be tares). Some have bought into the scapegoating fictions of the Left, I can even honor the past service of John McCain, while acknowledging he seems to be undercutting our efforts to make a better America for all, including Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics.