Some people claim that unlimited atonement equals universalism. This is a false claim. In order to critique a doctrine you must examine it according to WHAT IT'S PROPONENTS MEAN BY IT. Limited atonement does not mean universalism.
That the doctrine is misunderstood by some Calvinists is evident from numerous quotes. I will give a few quotes one at a time that demonstrate this. First, one from Lorraine Boetner.
1. For the Calvinist it is like a narrow bridge which goes all the way across the stream;
for the Arminian it is like a great wide bridge which goes only half-way across. (Loraine Boetner, Limited Atonement from "Reformed Doctrine of Predestination")
This is a false statement. Arminians do not believe that the bridge to God only goes halfway across, we believe that it goes all the way across.
Arminius- ",,,
as the very first commencement of every good thing, so likewise the progress, continuance and confirmation, nay, even the perseverance in good, are not from ourselves, but from God through the Holy Spirit. For "he who hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ;" (
Phil. i. 6
and "we are kept by the power of God through faith." (
1 Pet. i. 5.) "The God of all grace makes us perfect, stablishes, strengthens and settles us." (i, 10.)..." Works of Arminius"
Besides, the bridge analogy is an incomplete analogy. For regardless if a bridge goes all the way across or only halfway across, it is only profitable to those WHO CROSS IT.
SO Arminians do not teach that the bridge only goes halfway across, they teach that it goes all the way across, but we need to BY THE GRACE OF GOD walk across it, as it is written "enter in at the straight gate, for straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to salvation..."
Unlimited Atonement teaches that God has made a bridge for all men, and that a man can only begin, continue, and complete the trek across it by the Grace of God alone, but the responsibilty to cross it (by receiving and continuing in GOD'S GRACE ) belongs to us. That is why Jesus said "STRIVE to enter"
(and continuing in God's Grace does not mean perservering by our own strength, it is the day by day walking in the grace of God that not only justifies us but also preserves us. For it is God who begins and God who finishes the work in us, the Author AND Finisher of our faith, the one who is able to keep us from falling, etc.)
...and we strive because it is GOD WHO WORKS IN US both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Yet we do not passively sit at the entrance of the bridge, nor in the midst of the bridge, we cross it by the grace of God leading to salvation.