Without defining "Limited Atonement" you are paddling toward no purpose. Limited Atonement refers to the Calvinist myth that Christ only died for the elect chosen individually before creation. Therefore God does not really desire all men to be saved, and Christ did not really lay down His life as a ransom for all. He did not become the propitiation (or means of salvation) for the whole world, meaning all of fallen mankind.
The narrow bridge and the wide bridge have absolutely nothing to do with who was bought by the sacrifice of Christ. The bridges are illustrations of the means to bridge the gap between our fallen unholy condition and God's exclusion of all unholiness from His domain. The narrow bridge is Christ, and the wide bridge is fallen man's works of righteousness (i.e. filthy rags). The narrow bridge and the wide bridge do not even span the same stream. The narrow bridge leads to life and the wide bridge leads to destruction. They both go all the way.
The narrow bridge and the wide bridge have absolutely nothing to do with who was bought by the sacrifice of Christ. The bridges are illustrations of the means to bridge the gap between our fallen unholy condition and God's exclusion of all unholiness from His domain. The narrow bridge is Christ, and the wide bridge is fallen man's works of righteousness (i.e. filthy rags). The narrow bridge and the wide bridge do not even span the same stream. The narrow bridge leads to life and the wide bridge leads to destruction. They both go all the way.