Well, we have found another bible teaching that glad4mercy knows nothing about.
Positional Salvation = saved from the penalty of sin. (By regeneration.)
Progressive Salvation = in the process of being saved from the power of sin. (By growing in grace and a knowledge of His word and His will, and learning to submit to it.)
Permanent Salvation = the future state of being saved from the presence of sin. (By being removed to heaven and thus removed from the presence of sin. Never again being tempted to sin.)
God created us (human kind) able not to sin.
At the fall we became not able not to sin.
By regeneration we are made able not to sin.
And by glorification we will be not able to sin.
Well, what I do know is that ALL OF THOSE (positional, progressive, and final salvation) are part of the GOLDEN CHAIN of redemption, and I DON"T BELIEVE IN SEPERATING THEM FROM ONE ANOTHER. They are linked together, not seperate links all lying off somewhere by themselves, right?
Positional salvation- Justification
Progressive salvation-Being conformed to the image of His Son
Final salvation- Glorificatioin
The issue is not what I do or do not know. I know everything you're saying The issue is your false definition of "synergism", and your applying it to people who are not synergists. Your position is inconsistent. You define synergism as "man doing something or even not doing something
" (not resisting grace is an active verb according to you., so I suppose if I am not attempting to work for my salvation that is an active verb too, and I am a synergist for NOT SEEKING TO BE JUSTIFIED BY WORKS OR DEEDS OF THE LAW. OH, and "worketh not" in Romans 4:5 would then be an active verb by your reasoning as well) But then you hold a position of sanctification and glorification that FITS YOUR DEFINITION OF SYNERGISM. SO you seem to be saying that regnereration is monergistic but sanctification and glorification are synergistic.'
But they are part of the same golden chain, and they were
ALL UNCONDITIONALLY DETERMINED for the Elect before the foundation of the earth. REMEMBER? So how can some by conditional and others be unconditional while trying to maintain UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION, which is the FIRST PART OF THE GOLDEN CHAIN OF WHICH GLORIFICATION IS PART OF.
When you say that man must do something to make his salvation progressive and permanent, you are making those aspects CONDITIONAL.
You are so blinded by your traditions that you don't even see the inconsistency of your arguments.
Spurgeoun, Boetner, Sproul, White, and others I have read and listened to have consistent arguments (even though I do not fully agree with them). But you have inconsistencies in your arguments
So don't resort to false accusations of ignorance when someone points out the flaw in your argument.
So when you say that election is unconditional and then put CONDITIONS on glorification and being conformed to the image of the SON, you are mixing monergism and what you falsely call synergism together