Smoking in moderation is not a vice. As a matter of fact scientific studies have proven that pipe smokers have a slightly longer life expectancy than NON-smokers.
You live in Mississippi. Don't they grow tobacco there? Whose reports have you been reading? Tobacco backed junk science is my guess!
It is proven fact of science that pipe smoking is a major cause of cancer to the mouth. Any kind of second hand smoke is damaging to the health of others, not only to yourself.
Smoking won't send you to hell; it will only make you smell like you have already been there.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, beneficial about smoking.
Smoking and alcohol are the two biggest drains on our health care system. If people gave them up what a tremendous savings in cost to all involved there would be in the health care system. Their resources could be allocated to those who really need it.
Sex is CERTAINLY not a vice if it is done the way God commands: within the bonds of marriage.
Have you been following this discussion?
The context is one who, as soon as he left home began to drink. He also joined the army at the same time, presumably was not married. Marriage was not in the equation. Sex is wrong outside of marriage. And that is what I said. I was also speaking of sex with more than one partner. Is that all right within the bounds of marriage? You don't seem to read and understand well.
A vice is something you do inordinately.
Where did you get that lame definition?
a : moral depravity or corruption
: wickedness
b : a moral fault or failing
The word "vice" is a noun; "a vice." It is not a verb--something you do, as you have defined it.
--Drinking alcohol, whether one glass or one firkin is a vice. It is the "drinking of alcohol" that is the vice. It is the corruption, the wickedness, the moral depravity. It has nothing to do with the amount. Have you had your firkin today?
(In answer to your other post, just as we don't speak middle English today [most don't have any idea what a firkin is], so people wouldn't speak koine Greek or OT Hebrew today either. Learning to speak Biblical languages would be a vain exercise in discipline, not a profitable one.)
When the government raises taxes on alcoholic beverages and tobacco they deliberately call it a "sin tax." Even the unsaved know that it is a "vice." They call it "sin." It is amazing how the government will label these as sin, but a man who says he is a baptist pastor will not. Truly amazing!
Your opinion. The dictionaries say others.
Even governments say otherwise.
Doing DRUGS is not a vice if it is done properly. I have taken oxicontin before- when I had shoulder surgery.
Again, you are foolish enough not to follow this conversation. I mentioned marijuana, cocaine and LSD--all non-prescript drugs. We all have taken prescription drugs at one time or another for varying ailments. That is not the subject. That is an entirely different subject--a red herring.
--But am I to assume that you will inject yourself with heroin, even in "moderation,"? Are you really saying that? Will snort cocaine? Do it in front of your children? Teach them to do it "moderately" so the world doesn't have to teach them? Really--not a vice??
Nooooo. It is not a vice!! It is just illegal; comes with a jail sentence, and in some countries the death penalty is attached to it. A vice??
What you IFB folks lack knowledge about is that NOTHING is unclean in and of itself. It is when you do it inordinately that it becomes a vice and a sin.
Taking drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes are not vices you say.
And then you tell me I am the one without knowledge.
You need to do your homework.