The flu vaccine is 60% effective and also lessens the severity of it if one gets it. No one is afraid of the flu with that amount of effectiveness, so I see no reason why similar effectiveness wouldn’t be enough to stop the panic.
What do you see as the source of the panic? We did not have panic like this during the Hong Kong flu and other waves of flu. My worry now is that we have shut down too much of our hospital and medical system and people cannot get the care that they need in other matters and rural hospitals are in jeopardy again as they were under Obama. Labor Unions seem to want the lockdown to continue because they will do very well with unemployment as their medical insurance goes for 4 months after layoff in some unions. I understand that unemployment now pays about $50k a year.
Trump and the Congress turned to quantitative easing just like Obama but the more the printing presses print money the more worthless it becomes. If money is the cause of the panic, why is the public so supportive of the lockdown in many areas?
There will be a second wave it is said but the cure rate is so high that there is little to fear from the virus except for people who have other medical problems.
I don't know what the cause of the panic is except that the CDC was so unprepared and was on a learn as you go basis.
What do you see as the source of the panic?