salzer mtn
Well-Known Member
My wife and I visited a Baptist church today we have never been into. I don't know what kind of Baptist, meaning SB, FB, IB or whatever. The preacher began to talk on how a lot of churches have went modern. During the singing and also the preaching a lot of clapping went on when the pastor said something that pleased the ear of the congregation. He also said the gospel was to be preached to the unconverted but the word was to be preached to the saved. It was a large church by my standard, around one hundred people in attendance. He spent a lot of time criticizing the people that were not there instead of thanking God for the ones that were there. Before the preaching, right after the plate was past and the announcements made he dismissed the young people and their teachers for children church and I noticed the young people that got up out of their seats to go to another building for children church was teenagers. IMO this whole so called worship service was modern, yet he preached against modernism in the church.