Wow! You have been here a whole month, posted 14 posts. and already you are correcting those of us who have been here for almost 2 decades, and spent the better part of 50 years in ministry of the word! [sarcasm] I'm impressed! [/sarcasm]
So you believe salvation is based, at least in part, on something you DO? Some good work you DO?
Of course it is a non-starter. Nobody has said "God does our repenting and believing for us." You can't just make this stuff up. You will be caught and publicly embarrassed every time. (There are lot of very knowledgeable posters here, not all of which I agree with, but they can offer cogent and convincing arguments in favor of their positions. It might behoove you to listen and learn about those you have decided to teach bible doctrine to.)
Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh;
36:26 I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
Yes, the Holy Spirit regenerates the sinner, who is an enemy of God, and who does not accept spiritual things, considers them foolish, he can't understand them, and thus allows him to believe, repent, and obey.
Yes. And Praise God He gives us that which we don't have! Isn't God good?
When you say "those who are "ἄνωθεν", "born from above" (literal Greek)," may I assume you are referring to John 3: 3, "unless one is born anew?" If so, might I point out the Greek word in question is γεννηθη, not what you say above. And it means "born." If you are referring to "again" or "anew" that word is ανωθεν and is an adverb describing the birth as "new" or "a second time" or "a time above the first time."
And both are gifts given by God to us in His miracle of regeneration.
The bible says differently.
Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were chosen to eternal life believed.
Romans 11:7, "What then? Israel has not obtained that which it seeks for, but the election has obtained it, and the rest were blinded."
I am certainly no expert in Koine Greek (I only taught it at the graduate level for 25 years) but I know that "Gift" (δωρον) is a singular neuter noun. Grace (χαριτι) is a dative (case of the indirect object) singular feminine noun. Faith (πιστεως) is a genitive (the case of "belonging to" - a possessive) singular feminine noun. Saved, on the other hand, is σεσωσμενοι, a verb in the perfect tense, passive voice, a participle, in the nominative, plural, masculine.
So, explain to me how "saved" is the only antecedent of "faith."
Who says it is mechanical? How can you even call the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit "mechanical?"