Well-Known Member
You called TCassidy arrogant and then you type this sentence. This statement of your is classic arrogance. You have 37 total posts (at last count) and you elevate yourself as an authority? By your prose and the substance of your theological argument you prove that you have a lot to learn.
Of course, it has been broken because of sin. It's not because of his righteousness.
Really? I made my exegetical case. Are you capable of doing that? The convicting power of the Holy Spirit is John 16 has nothing to do with the spiritual condition of man. Matthew Henry writes:
The Spirit, by the word and conscience, is a reprover; ministers are reprovers by office, and by them the Spirit reproves.
Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: complete and unabridged in one volume (p. 2023). Peabody: Hendrickson.
One role of the Holy Spirit was to work through the Apostles in bringing a legal indictment against sin and those who are in their sins (note that Jesus was talking to the Apostles about what was to follow after His ascension). The Apostles would possess the legal right to act as Christ's representatives on earth and the Holy Spirit would be their bona fide.
Ignored it? Please. I was waiting for your response to the exegesis I provided. How are the spiritually dead in John 5:25 able to know the convicting work of the Holy Spirit while they are spiritually dead? Because it is the Holy Spirit doing the convicting. I point you back to my previous posts, which I know you have exhaustively dissected. I am not going to type of them again because I'm convinced I'm talking to a brick.
Tom, have fun with this guy.
I see that it is pointless to seriously engage with those of the "reformed" position, as their only desire is to keep peddling their "theology", and not really interested in what the Bible actually teaches! You guys always seem to quote from "reformed" writers, as thought they have the only "truth" there is to know! Well, this same guy, Matthew Henry, in his commentary on Luke's Gospel, says on the passage of the Lord Supper (chapter 22), that Judas, who betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ, did actually part-take of this Supper with the other 11. Luke's account is very important, because he makes sure to inform us that Jesus said the words, "this is My blood, shed for YOU" (plural in the Greek), which INCLUDED Judas! Why did not Jesus wait for Judas to have left the room, and then said this? Clearly shows that Jesus died also for those who are NOT "elect", and will end up in hell! But, of course you guys are experts in trying to twist these Truths! I mention this, as you jump to Henry to defend you!