The BB is similar to Baskin Robbins 57 Flavors. You do not like that flavor of Baptist? No worries. There is a scoop to fit every taste. The BB is also an artificial representation of how we live our lives. Few of us carry Monergism vs. Synergism debates into our non-Internet relationships. If we did I daresay we would have few friends and family members who avoid us. No. The BB is like a greenhouse where differences of opinion flourish in cultivated soil.
So, how do those of opposing views interact outside the BB? I have thought about this for a while. I am not a Southern Baptist, but I have read, and watched videos, of the rigorous debates between Monergists and Synergists within the SBC. If nothing else it makes for great entertainment. But there is something of value to be learned from the SBC intramural squabbles.
Let me begin this thread by asking some questions.
1. Is it appropriate for Christians to divide over this issue?
2. Does the debate effect one's view of the Gospel and salvation?
3. If so, is that a minor or major issue?
4. If someone belongs to a church that holds to a different view, should that person advocate for their view and cause dissension in the church?
5. If the issue does come up in real life, should we be charitable in our behavior even if we disagree?
The reason I am making a distinction between real life and life on the BB is because the relationship between Monergists and Synergists on the BB is somewhat contrived or artificial. It is a collection of people with strong opinions who are not shy about making their opinions known. That is not necessarily a bad thing, because good debate stimulates individuals to prove their position. The bad side of relationships on the BB is some relationships are prone to deteriorate. I confess that I have been involved in some of those deteriorated relationships to the point where separation between me and another BB member have occurred. That is why I created this thread. I am not really concerned about other BB member's opinions on how the two sides should interact on the BB, but rather how we should react in real life. Or is it best that we do not interact and we stay within our own circles?
So, how do those of opposing views interact outside the BB? I have thought about this for a while. I am not a Southern Baptist, but I have read, and watched videos, of the rigorous debates between Monergists and Synergists within the SBC. If nothing else it makes for great entertainment. But there is something of value to be learned from the SBC intramural squabbles.
Let me begin this thread by asking some questions.
1. Is it appropriate for Christians to divide over this issue?
2. Does the debate effect one's view of the Gospel and salvation?
3. If so, is that a minor or major issue?
4. If someone belongs to a church that holds to a different view, should that person advocate for their view and cause dissension in the church?
5. If the issue does come up in real life, should we be charitable in our behavior even if we disagree?
The reason I am making a distinction between real life and life on the BB is because the relationship between Monergists and Synergists on the BB is somewhat contrived or artificial. It is a collection of people with strong opinions who are not shy about making their opinions known. That is not necessarily a bad thing, because good debate stimulates individuals to prove their position. The bad side of relationships on the BB is some relationships are prone to deteriorate. I confess that I have been involved in some of those deteriorated relationships to the point where separation between me and another BB member have occurred. That is why I created this thread. I am not really concerned about other BB member's opinions on how the two sides should interact on the BB, but rather how we should react in real life. Or is it best that we do not interact and we stay within our own circles?