I'm not afraid of the truth. And I'm not afraid to speak it. If people don't like it, I refer them to my signature. My view is that women will receive the same respect they give to their bodies. If the woman robs herself of dignity, no one else will respect her.I was going to respond to AwesomeMachine but figured he was trolling and it was almost midnight last night when I read his post.
It's incredible there are men that think the way he does. I shudder to think of him expressing his views on sexual harassment and then segueing into his personal testimony.
Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo.
I think you fear masculinity. But bear in mind, Satan is strong in the face of feminine weakness but weak in the face of masculine strength. For me, I consider myself guardian of the woman's chastity. That is what all men are called to be. But women still lie all the time about sexual harassment.
It's such a useful weapon of Satan.