After a long weekend of terrorist bombings on the east coast, the news is that many high school football teams are following Colin Kaepernick's lead and ignoring the National Anthem in protest against the murder of blacks by evil, cold and calculating killer cops!
What are your thoughts on this growing protest, especially when it means that the life's and sacrifices of our soldiers in many wars and conflicts are being dissed by this unpatriotic display of unity? Would you personally support such a display against our nation's flag and the anthem? And is it really accomplishing anything other than making headlines? I think it is a fad that will pass, and when it does, like the black panther's fist raised symbol of the 60s, it will only serve to make the racial divide in America that much wider, and more difficult to cross!
What are your thoughts on this growing protest, especially when it means that the life's and sacrifices of our soldiers in many wars and conflicts are being dissed by this unpatriotic display of unity? Would you personally support such a display against our nation's flag and the anthem? And is it really accomplishing anything other than making headlines? I think it is a fad that will pass, and when it does, like the black panther's fist raised symbol of the 60s, it will only serve to make the racial divide in America that much wider, and more difficult to cross!