Jesus said: Jhn 8:15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.
This is the most ignored substantial verse of scripture. We do not recognize the significance of the verse in regards to doctrine.
Along with supportive verses, All judgment is given to the Son. Jesus said He does not judge man .We have to accept man is not been judge somehow, yet is condemned already.
Jhn 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
If not condemned as a man, we cannot blame Adam, Along with Ezekiel 18 20 , sin is a individual responability.
If condemned not as a man, what state were we when he were condemned? Since we are obliviously "mankind" when we are born, we could not have been judged or condemned in physical life.
We know Adam's sin affected the physical but could not, did not change our status since were were already condemned, The curse is on the physical.
Acceptance of this verse as key point should change doctrine. Why is it dominate to teach it improperly?
Satan wants us to shift blame from in from ourselves to anyone Adam and ultimately God.
Humanity is not the falling into sin but the method for sinner to be redeemed from a sinful state.
Rejecting this verse is Humanism, placing undue importance on the human condition over the spiritual
This is the most ignored substantial verse of scripture. We do not recognize the significance of the verse in regards to doctrine.
Along with supportive verses, All judgment is given to the Son. Jesus said He does not judge man .We have to accept man is not been judge somehow, yet is condemned already.
Jhn 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
If not condemned as a man, we cannot blame Adam, Along with Ezekiel 18 20 , sin is a individual responability.
If condemned not as a man, what state were we when he were condemned? Since we are obliviously "mankind" when we are born, we could not have been judged or condemned in physical life.
We know Adam's sin affected the physical but could not, did not change our status since were were already condemned, The curse is on the physical.
Acceptance of this verse as key point should change doctrine. Why is it dominate to teach it improperly?
Satan wants us to shift blame from in from ourselves to anyone Adam and ultimately God.
Humanity is not the falling into sin but the method for sinner to be redeemed from a sinful state.
Rejecting this verse is Humanism, placing undue importance on the human condition over the spiritual