I may have said "selfish", but I do not recall saying it…..
They are "varient factories" and they do endanger people other than themselves…..
At the same time it is OK. But at the same time God gives us peace. It is OK.
I wish someone would study the “perceived risk” of dying from covid and what the actual risk is. For the elderly with pre-existing conditions, the fatality rate is a staggering 5%.
All this effort at mandatory vaccinations, you would think the fatality rate for all age groups was 25-30%. If you ask people in the street, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they believed.
I remember during the 80s when the AIDS crisis began. The fatality rate was near 100%, and was almost exclusively confined to the g@y population.
Despite that fact, a federal judge refused to allow the city of San Francisco to close public bath houses where the virus was spreading like wildfire.
Today, it’s the opposite. We have a virus that has a survival rate of above 99.9% for most people (exception of elderly) and we are acting like it’s the end of civilization.
We don’t even factor in the tens of millions of people in this country who have recovered from the virus (and have 27 times the immunity of the vaccinated) and continue to make broad sweeping allegations that the “unvaccinated” are endangering people’s lives.
Peace to you