Sorry guys, no slam dunk here; just the same old, same old; ignoring context; ignoring RCC practice in respect to Scripure, and ignoring Scripture itself.
Certainly, they are the "biproduct" of a heart converted to God of one who has reprented or being properly ordered to God which btw cannot happen unless God first moves you to that.
As explained before salvation is by faith. Works are a byproduct of a heart converted to God. Let's look at that by itself.
The RCC equates the New Birth to baptism, as defined in their Catechism (John 3:5). To be born again or saved faith is absolutely necessary. However the RCC baptizes infants who cannot exercise faith in the gospel. This is an impossibility. Romans 6:3,4 give the meaning of baptism and it has nothing to do with circumcision or a covenant as it did with Israel. It is always, in every case in the Bible, administered after one has put their faith in Christ and consequently has become a believer. It is "believer's baptism" for believer's only.
The RCC therefore practices baptismal regeneration, a damnable heresy, which Peter speaks out against. Why is it included here? Because Peter is speaking against the heresies of the false prophets, and this heresy is a heresy of false teachers. It infers that the blood of Christ was not sufficient enough to pay for the sins of mankind, but that man's baptism had to help it along. It is baptism that saves and not Christ. This is the teaching here, and thus the name, "baptismal regeneration." Or, regenerated by baptism. No greater heresy could be promoted by the RCC than this one.
There is no "saved by faith" here.
There are no good works that follow, as infants are not capable of doing good works. On the contrary they are very selfish. The baptism cannot wash away their Original Sin, or any sin. Again, go to Romans 6:3,4. It is a picture of the believer's death to sin and resurrection to a new life in Christ. That is why one is immersed (which the word baptidzo means). No doctrine of the RCC could do more damage and be more heretical than this one which, by believing in it, sends one to hell, rather than being a gateway to heaven.
But look at James' specific language As I've pointed out many times Faith is not devoid of the works it produces.
Faith alone in Christ produces works. Salvation comes first. James is writing to believers, "my brethren." The works are not part of the salvation. You ignore context here, especially the overall context of the book.
If no works are produced then no Faith.
Mother Theresa had works; that doesn't guarantee she had faith.
Many Muslims have works, Hindus as well. That doesn't guarantee faith.
Look at what James says specifically with regard to Justification which is part of your salvation . Therefore it is clear in scriptures that Faith must or has to be followed by works in order for it to be Faith.
By ignoring context you get the entire meaning backwards and have scripture contradict scripture when the Bible does no such thing. Works always follow salvation; follow justification, and never precede it, never are a part of it.
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God.
There are no works in that verse.
In Romans 4. Therefore righteousness was imputed unto Abraham
when he believed.
--No works were necessary.
Else as James says its not the Faith that God requires which to save you. Which is what Jesus says in regard to the Christian And what does he mean by taking away those who don't bear the fruit of Faith (ie works)? Well, he says That is hell language.
NO he doesn't. Where do you get that from? You are making things up.
A true believer will have works follow his salvation. That is all that is being taught here.
However there are also many that do works that have no faith.
Jesus pointed that out in Matthew 7:
Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
--Their works could not save them, though they did many wonderful works in the name of Jesus.
Jesus said about them: "Depart from me ye that work iniquity."
Works do not save.
Therefore Faith cannot be seen apart from works. Now I am agreed that works cannot save a man. Faith must always proceed works. But it must be a faith that produces works.
Again, if faith always precedes works, then baptismal regeneration, the baptizing of infants is one of the most dangerous and heretical doctrines known to mankind. It denies all that Christ did on the cross; makes him just a man and not God--a damnable heresy taught by false teachers.
First Niether Paul nor James ever said you are saved by Faith Alone!
Yes Paul did, and more than once. You just don't like the way he said it.
There is more than one way to say the same thing.
Romans 5:1 says that a man is saved by faith alone.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God."
--What other conclusion can one come to? If you add anything to faith in this verse you are adding to the Word. If you take anything away you are taking away from the Word of God. The conclusion: Man is justified by faith alone, not by faith PLUS works or anything else.
Romans 4
Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
--How was he made righteous? By belief alone. That is the teaching here.
Romans 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
--It is so clear here. It is not by works but only by belief.
It is by him that believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteous." This statement is preceded by "him that works not." It means simply faith alone, not of works. It can't get any clearer.
Romans 4:6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,
--faith without works or faith alone.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
--saved by grace through faith
without works!
But your belief contradicts the rest of Scripture over and over again.
In fact, Paul explicitly says he wants people to have the Faith which produces works of obedience.
No one said any different.
Listen to what he says The whole Point of Expressing the need to have faith is to bring about their obedience which is expressed in their good works. Paul instructs in Titus Reminding them once again that even though he wants them to do good works they of themselves do not save But that by God's Grace given to us in Faith we can produce the works or fruit of that faith.
It is faith and faith alone that saves. That faith alone in Christ alone will produce good works. Good works are never part of salvation.
As I have been saying all along. Faith cannot be devoid of works. However, works of their own cannot save. Faith it is that saves the kind of Faith which produces good works.
Faith in and of itself is not a work. Faith and works do not mix. See Romans 4:3-5 again. Faith alone in Christ alone produces work. But faith and works cannot be mixed together.