Active Member
Not meaning to sound bad here either, but the main problem is that you've misapplied and misinterpret scripture based on a Man made tradition whether he is Calvin, Armenius, Luther, Wesley, and the many other thousands of denominations who all have their personal interpretation which of course others vehemently disagree. However studying history you will find that I hold to the view that has been consistently held over the 2,000 years of the faith.Not meaning to sound bad here, but the main problem is that you misapply and misinterprete the scriptures, for Rome views the Bible passages strictly thru the viewpoint of MUST teach what they hold, NOT what it actually teaches!
Not at all. Mormons were stated in the 1800 and came out of Protestantism as did the JW. Roman Catholicism Can be traced back to the begining. I can quote ECF who held the same teachings I espouse. Neither the Mormons nor JWs can do that. Also you must rely on your own perspective of what scripture teaches. And pray tell what do you do when you disagree with another protestant about what scriptures says? What authority do you appeal to? None. Thus you can only appeal to yourself and maybe your most recent pastor.Reasoning with one really into Roamn theology much akin to Mormon/JW, as its what their church teaches period, and force the bible to say that!
In the end you are no more adept at determining the proper interpretation of Scrpture than anyone else with an opinion. And here is the thing you can't say its has been the consistent teaching of Christians from the begining because if you read all the early christian writings they would disagree with you about baptism, covenants, justification, and so on and so forth.