Active Member
There are so many problems with your premise here, where to begin?
Well, I will begin with one of the most ridiculous points in your accusation that 'Calvinists worship angels'. Really? You know better than that (I hope).
Now to conditional election. Election is conditional upon who, man? So a man jumps through the right hoops and God chooses that man 'conditionally'? If so the God you speak of must be a 'respecter of persons' and salvation is no longer a gift, but a reward.
Hello preacher4truth
You said.....
“Well, I will begin with one of the most ridiculous points in your accusation that
'Calvinists worship angels'. Really? You know better than that (I hope).”
I thought you would have understood what I was saying.
Calvinists worship John Calvin in the same way that others worship the memory of Jack Hyles.
Now neither Calvin nor Hyles were “angels”, but they were “messengers”:
(The Lord’s messengers.).....
Luke 9:51-52
V.51 ¶ And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,
V.52 And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him.
This word “messengers” in V.52, is the same word translated “angels” in Colossians 2:18; And my interpretation of the warning in Colossians, equally applies to anybody who lifts up “any preacher”, more than they should.
When I see Christians commemorating John Calvin’s birthday, or memorizing quotes from Jack Hyles, I see this as an the error being talked about in Col.2:18.