My views have NOT changed due to any input on this board. I still believe in "interpreting" everything literal UNLESS the context indicates otherwise.
I have absolutely no problem with conflicting views except those who INSIST that all other than their view is heretical, or insist that everything should be "spiritual"!
I have no patience with those who are so adamant that they are the only ones "spiritual" enough to really know what certain passages mean, & everyone else is simply changing the Word to suit themselves. Many of these quote scripture that, to me anyway, have no bearing on the subject, & when questioned about same, offer no response except more unrelated scripture. Simply explaining the reasoning would go a long, LONG way to avoid controversy & enable others to understand the stance.
To these I would say - Physician, heal thyself!
After saying all that, I have come to respect other views as I have learned other's reasons for views different from mine, so overall I would say it has been positive for me!!