Maybe someday some people will learn that blogs are not "facts" but cobbled together "opinion" -- using the word in its loosest possible form. Cobbled together out of half-truths, innuendo, rumors, lies, and just plain ignorance.
"Ignorance," for example, of the fact that in 1947 Planned Parenthood wasn't an abortion advocate or provider, since it was illegal to perform abortions in 1947. Or that the agenda of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the American Birth Control League, had no connection with PP in 1947 because, believe it or not, PP wasn't moving forward rapidly enough to address her agenda of eugenics and cultural manipulation through birth control and sterilization. You see, some people are ignorant of the fact that PP wasn't always the radical, wild-eyed killing machine it has become, despite having people involved with it in its formative years who had that as their goal. Instead it was an organization that helped overcome racial <--[Edit: let me change that to "ethnic" instead] and religious barriers to legitimate birth control measures such as condoms, and helped persuade Congress to repeal laws that made shipping birth control mechanisms across state lines illegal.
Maybe someday people will learn. Probably not today, though.