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New Member
One of the ladies at our fire station has been going to a womans bible study on Tuesdays where they are being taught out of Beth Moore work books. I have hear some of her teaching and what I heard so far sounds pretty sound. This might be an alternative for you Mommyperson?

blackbird I heard the same story about Jesse D. only you forgot that he told his wife he would like his vette the same except he wanted a convertible(sp?) and thats what he got. :eek:
BTW, there is one thing that stumps me. Why does he ask for people to send money in for a jet?

BTW, I know people who have had things like this (like Jesse's vette) happen to them but on a smaller scale. But mostly it was people who had "real needs". Like one man I knew needed a pair of work boots because his had holes in the bottom and seams popped. Next day after saying something about it and being told (by a little Baptist lady that the Lord will always provide) low and behold he walked by a dumpster and there on top in a shoe box was a pair of boots. I know people who have had cars given to them and I had bought one for a dollar once (although it wasn't a vette, but a pinto station wagon that had to be pushed started and it ran over my hubby once


New Member
This is a very dangerous cult. My sister and her son are involved in just such a church in Canton, Ohio. Two years ago she changeed and her personality was not the same. It was if she had become someone else. She came back to her old self after her son's best friend got killed on her son's motorcycle. I have no doubt that there were evil spirits in her home and operating within the lives of her family members. She and her family endured a horrible two years what with being sued for the accident. I believe that when one commands God to do one's own will, God will chastise as a means of correcting disobedient behaviour. She has had bouts of depression every year that she has been involved in the church and refuses to discuss that perhaps she is being deceived. She attends "healing school" and who knows what else at that church. They are a multi-million dollar institution and have every type of study that one can imagine.......except a Bible study. That is because they cannot teach the Word of God in truth and have it line up with their fallacies. People involved in this cult need to be prayed out of it. The spirits that control this cult work very hard at maintaining its error. Get out and stay out and warn all that you know to stay as far away from anything associated with Hagin or Copeland. :(


New Member
I also consider Joyce Meyer and Marilyn Hickey to be of the same school as these other false teachers and preachers.......and not to forget Benny Hinn.....


Active Member
More info on Word Faith:
A page with links to various articles. This is on the site of someone who was in WF

Quotes from WF teachers

Testimony of Tricia Tillin, who was in WF

Ten Reasons to Reject WF, by Tricia Tillin

Another general article on WF

On Copeland:




New Member
These false teachers, Hagin, Copeland, Duplantis and others claim that you must show your faith by giving your money, preferably to their "ministry."

This is called seed money. On the Benny Hinn show one of them said that the gift is the seed and that faith makes it grow.
In other words the same out is given as for faith healing.

If your money doesn't overflow back to you or you are not healed, it's your fault.

You just didn't have enough faith.

The faith here is not in Jesus, but in your own faith.



New Member
BTW, did they use that passage from Matthew, "What greater gifts will your Heavenly father give you?"

The same passage in Luke clarifies that this gift is the Holy Spirit.

These are indeed cults and do not encourage true Bible study. Mature, Bible-knowing Christians are not easly taken in by these people.



New Member
Mature, Bible-knowing Christians are not easly taken in by these people.

But they sure do mask themselves well enough to make you trip..
God does give us a discerning heart, so that when we FEEL sosmething is wrong, we can investigate it and find out...I'm glad I investigated it here.


Site Supporter
I agree with the posts regarding the heretical WOF teaching. My experience has been that it preys on Christians who are weak in their knowledge of the Bible, and those who are ever seeking to know some new truth.

By the way, on the Duplantis Corvette thing...someone told me that a little over a year ago, while preaching in the SE part of Alabama, Jesse received a new Harley as a gift from the church during one of the services! Praise Jeeeeezzzus!

Don't know if he "named-it-claimed-it" or if it was simply a show of love on the part of the church.

Well, as for me, I've got the bike, but sure would like to come across one of those Vettes! Anybody out there got one you want to give me? If so, I'll name it and claim it!

Mike McK

New Member
Originally posted by Mommyperson:
Mature, Bible-knowing Christians are not easly taken in by these people.
That's exactly what mature, Bible knowing Christians say just before they're taken in by these guys.

Never say never.

Satan is really good at making a lie seem like look inviting.

But they sure do mask themselves well enough to make you trip..
God does give us a discerning heart, so that when we FEEL sosmething is wrong, we can investigate it and find out...I'm glad I investigated it here.
When I was a new Christian, I got caught up in the WoF movement. I was there for about two years.

WoF'ers are not encouraged to study the scriptures, but are spoon fed certain verses (usually out of context) that support the teaching.

If you have any questions about it, please feel free to PM me and I'll tell you what I found out during my two years in the movement, which I now consider to be a cult because of their teachings on the atonement and the divinity of man.


New Member
As you said yourself, Mike, you were a new Christian when this happened.

As I said, mature Bible knowing Christians should never fall for this nonsense.

The word of God is our sword.


Mike McK

New Member
Originally posted by mountainrun:
As you said yourself, Mike, you were a new Christian when this happened.

As I said, mature Bible knowing Christians should never fall for this nonsense.
Yes, I was but what about all of the people who aren't? There are a lot of seasoned, "mature" Christians who get caught up in this, too.

The minute you think you can't be decieved is the minute you paint a great big bullseye on your back for the Devil.


New Member
Originally posted by Mike McK:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mountainrun:
As you said yourself, Mike, you were a new Christian when this happened.

As I said, mature Bible knowing Christians should never fall for this nonsense.
Yes, I was but what about all of the people who aren't? There are a lot of seasoned, "mature" Christians who get caught up in this, too.

The minute you think you can't be decieved is the minute you paint a great big bullseye on your back for the Devil.
</font>[/QUOTE]I have seen many (too many Christians) who have 6 months of spiritual growth, repeated 20 or 30 times over.

Even though saved, they are still on the milk of the Word, instead of feasting on the meat, and that is a shame.

Brother I agree, even someone who has been in church for years could be decieved.

We must be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures daily to see if these things be true.

God Bless


New Member
Well I don't know what the wof movement is but I can tell you that anyone that tells you that you don't or shouldn't or anything even remotely to the effect of not studing the word of god is in direct violation of the word of god. The word of god says that you should study and show yourself approved. the bible also says to search the scriptures and to test the spirits lest we be carried away by any wind of doctorin. this is way it is fundamentaly important to get into a bible preaching and believing church thats not scared to preach the truth with no fear of what other think.


New Member
I can't even begin to let sone of these poor and truely misguided people how much it greives my hart to the very core that y'all have gone so far away from the word of god. #1 I use a auth.K.J. bible and i'm not even going to broch the subject of tougns or women preachers(book of 1Tim. 2Tim.)the women shall not asurp athority over the man, the pastor of the church shall be the husband of one wife, the women is to be silent in the church and to learn and ask of her husband. etc and I could go on forever on that subject.


New Member
also on the subject of prayer the word of god says that you shouldn't pray amiss. Meaning that if your intentions are pure then your thoughts are not of yourself but of others. Seeing lost people getting saved praying for Israel, praying for spiritual wisdom and guidence etc. not a new car, house, and other ungodly material things, COME ON you have got to be kidding ME!!
Do you realy think GOD the creator of heaven and earth is waiting for you to ask him for a new house! get real. He's waiting for us to get off our high hores and prase him and get into the word of truth that he has given us and learn so that we can spread the gospel and heal the world.
Not the kind of healing that that sick benny hin doe's but real healing that coming to know the Lord Jesus Chrits can do. solomon was the richest king of isreal because he didn't seek waelth. God asked him what he wanted and he asked for wisdon to lead gods people and because he aasked for that god gave him everything else.


Active Member
The name it nad claim it crowd freak me out. It as if God is a big vending machine in their eyes and if you put in the right amount of coins, you get out a blessing. Clearly NOT Biblical. Good grief, ask Job about that during his time of testing. Or ask Paul about that during his times of distress that he lists for us in 2 Cor. 11. And I am still waiting to hear a WOF/Name it claim it person preach on 2 Timothy 3:12 "And in indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."


New Member
I would just like to see ONE WoF preacher enter a hospital and heal everybody in the children's ward! Just do it ONE time, please!

In HIS service;


New Member

My favoit is when they preach a revival and the pastors leg is broke ha ha ha

or better yet they cancal a show because they get sick lol