The Bush tax cuts for Middle Americans, helped them to keep more of their hard earned money.
Some things I found on the internet that the Republicans sponsered which helped all Americans,
Starting a little more than 50 years ago, but some big ones...
1954 - establishing the federal highway system. (Ike)
1957 - Civil Rights Act (Ike -Nixon)
also 1957 - ending racial segregation in Little Rock
1964 - Wilderness act of 1964, one of the greatest conservation achievements of the 20th century.
1970 - National Environmental Policy Act, establishing the EPA. This was not legislation but Nixon through an order.
1975 - Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards.
1980 - Roth IRA established.
1981 - Reagan tax cuts that caused an economic boom (sadly Congress spent too much of it and created a large national debt)
1994 - Contract with America. Probably the last time in recent history that politicians actually did what they said they would do. CLEAR contrast with today.
1996 - welfare reform. Clinton vetoed it, then turned around and signed it. Obviously it's very different now, with welfare spending spiraling out of control.
2004 - Vouchers for DC school children. Allowed DC children to escape the horribly failed public school system in DC and go to private schools. It has since been killed by Democrats under pressure from unions.